Not much happened this past week besides work and more work and boring stuff. We did have the big Science/Art/Forensics/Music Fair thing yesterday though. Thanks to my Aussie friend Ergo, Annie had a pretty cool science project involving using cabbage juice as a pH indicator. One, cabbage juice stinks, in case you didn't know, and I've had a jar of that stuff in my fridge for the past two weeks (just in case they needed some more, they didn't want to have to make it again, a process which REALLY stank up the joint), and two, the stuff actually works, with pretty colors and everything. And the end result was this:
Thanks for the idea, Ergo!
Here Annie is with her display, Terry helped her a lot with pictures and such, which I'm sure he wants CREDIT for. I didn't go back with them to pick her project up (the judges were in there well, judging, when we left the first time) so I didn't get to see any of the other projects. I seriously hope that "Bobbing for bones" one off to the left is a kid from Annie's school, because I gotta see what the heck that is all about. Sounds vaguely disturbing.
Annie and her friend at the Forensics competition. They did "When I was Little" by Jamie Lee Curtis. They did...well, they crashed and burned. One of them forgot the lines, started saying the other one's lines, and then they skipped a big chunk. BUT, they remained enthusiastic and didn't burst into tears or act like drama queens, so they still managed to earn a ribbon. Or, maybe the judges just had a ton of ribbons to give away because not as many kids do the Forensics thing, I don't know. Annie also had a couple of drawings entered, but my photographer neglected to get a picture of those. She got ribbons for those too, a "Fair" (as in, this doesn't suck that bad, but I've seen better) and a "Good," but I totally take credit for that one because I gave her a cool name for it which made the picture make sense.
The next installment of food that looks like something else, it's hard to tell, but this chip kinda looks like a "2." Annie found it.
Since I work now, I don't feel quite as guilty about getting myself a little somethin' somethin' every now and again. I got myself this pretty glass pendant this week, from The artist is a friend of one of my internet friends. I had the pendant on a nice silver chain, but then my chain went and brokeded. :( At any rate, check her stuff out, it's really beautiful and I can vouch for its cheering ablilities.
Alyson has the ACT this Tuesday and she is pooping adobe. I think she will do fine, but everyone send intelligent vibes her direction just to hedge our bets, okay? I want this kid to go to college so I can finally clean out her damn room. I haven't seen the floor in probably four years.