Wednesday, June 24, 2009


The before picture. I took two, but the poor kid has her eyes closed in BOTH of them, and being the good mom I am, I didn't notice. And it's not like we can go back in time and get another one before her braces, so closed eyes it is.

After, and now this one is blurry, but it's not my fault because PIC CREDITS TO TERRY. She said the actual putting on of the braces wasn't that bad, compared to the horror stories she was hearing from her classmates. Her teeth are a little sore and she's been eating more oatmeal and applesauce this week than I've seen her eat in a long time, but overall, she's not near as whiny as I thought she would be.

Unless we remind her how she has to go brush her teeth after like every little snack, and especially after something like this, the perfect s'more, as modeled by Terry's hand, and yes he took this picture too, even though it's in focus. We had a fire last week outside and did the whole s'more making bit. He tends to build hobo fires out of leftover wood from Tim's house though, and I'm forever worried about toxic fumes rolling off the undoubtedly lead paint, so I mostly just eat chocolate and graham crackers.

This is Annie being pouty because she wasn't too thrilled with the subject matter of this entry. She claims that she wouldn't have minded having crooked teeth for the rest of her life. In fact, she would have preferred it. Too bad!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Well, This Sucks

Hug 'em if you got 'em. Dads, that is, not pound cakes.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Now with more OWbell

Even though I am of the round persuasion, I still persist in exercising to stave off disease and such, and I am always wanting to try new gadgets. My latest was the Kettlebell. I like the lifting of the weights, and I actually dug the workout that came with this thing, made me feel like a Slayer and such, doing squats and changing hands and just generally swinging it about. And then I went to take my post workout shower, bent over to shave my legs, and OW OW OW, said the nerves at the bottom of my spine. And I had to work the next four days in deli hell, so basically I looked like a brokeded wind-up toy reeling around behind the counter trying to figure out how to get meat out of the coolers without like, bending. But it's getting better, to the point I've even started exercising again.

With the itty one. This one is just four pounds, and came with a dvd called Kettlenetics, that is more dancey oriented more than squat, ugh, lift weight, me strong. So far I've only done the intro workout, but back is still with the bending so that's a good sign.

My Dead Dad plant that I took turned out to be a Peace Lily, and it's all with the blooming now, all pretty like. Now If I could just keep the cats from eating it I would be happy.

Auuugggghhhh! The last Cheerwine that I brought back from VA. It's just an empty bottle of vaguely cherry flavored memory now. I has a sad, because I can't get the stuff in MI.

Annie's latest painting, she likes to take her stoopid poopy cat outside and sit on the deck and paint. I asked her what this painting represented, and she looked at me like I had lost my mind and said "Duh, colors."