Sunday, September 7, 2008

Hops Harvest

Terry decided that part of the hops were ready for the harvesting today. He managed not to fall off the ladder or anything. He did drop his harvesting bag once though, and we all collectively went AUGGHHH! I'm sure the neighbors think we're nuts. Well, they probably do already, but now they have more reason.
MMMmmmm, Hops

The yield from one vine so far---6.5 ounces. They are currently drying on a screen in the garage. Now we just need to formulate a recipe to use them in, probably some type of ale. Annie is taking some hops to school tomorrow for show and tell.


MissTottenham said...

So that is what hops actually look like?

I hope you held the ladder for Terry.

And if your neigbours don't know for sure that you ARE nuts already, well, they haven't been looking close enough hahahah!

MissTottenham said...

You should so check out the grand prix. It's better than the american stuff where they just go round in circles.

LOL you gotta be bored if you watched gay rugby. Poor you.

Anonymous said...

Hey You! So, Terry hopped on the ladder in hopes that you were holding the ladder so he could get hopped up on hops?:} Cool! Looks like a Sam Adams beer commericial I've seen. Here's hoping happy times when ya get hopped up on the hops.

Danielle Casavant said...

Yummy - fresh hops! Love your blog Carrie! I have one that I created for my little cousin last year. I took her teddy bear on my travels. Let's talk soon!

Oh - I know you hate FB, but go check out our anniversary vaca pics.

Carrie said...

Hey there!! I looked at the bear blog, that is sooo cute, you should have done been telling me you were blogging. Gonna go look at your pics now.