So last night we went to the basketball game at Annie's school. She got to be captain of the cheerleaders for this go round so she thought she was the poo. Terry took a bunch of pictures, but well, they were of jumping around itty girls, so not that many came out. This is the best of the bunch. It's funny because the B team has like forty leven cheerleaders and the A team has like, four. Annie is actually supposed to be on the A team, but this is her last year at this school and she wanted to be on the team with her (younger) best friends, and she had to get all pouty to do it, but it all worked out in the end. Oh, the team lost, but at least they didn't get their butts handed to them like last week. They might have had a sportin' chance if the other team hadn't had some huge gorilla kid (ha, I think that might be him in the background of the pic, note how close he is to being the same height as the ref) who just stood under the basket with his arms up and picked off rebounds and threw them back up into the basket, while our teeny guys skittered
around his ankles like pesky ants at a picnic.
For advanced Christmas tree desecration, including the breaking of ornaments and the bending of limbs in a most non flattering manner
I have to work 30 hours next week, and I am not happy about that, although I'm sure I will enjoy the jingle jangle of Christmas coinage in my pocket when I get paid for slogging away in the slicing mines. Today we have ham for $1.99 a pound, thank God there's a 4 pound limit. Think of me tonight, peoples. :)
Hey You! Thanx for checking out my Christmas tree and snowmen at my place. I had nothing else really to post. Annie looks so cute cheering. Her uniform reminds me of the G.W. Carver High School colors from back in the day. I knew Ghost would want to have fun & play with the tree. He's so cute in his hat & mustache. Is that another Annie original? His eyes are so freaky though it's cool how they are different colors. Don't give him too hard of a time, it is his first Christmas!
I think it happens to all of us...
It goes in cycles. I'm hoping next year will be different.
And thank you Carrie. <3
Merry almost Xmas.
xoxo cupcake
Hahahahaha great pics carrie. That ghost looks a dubious chrarcter. The cheerleader criminal looks a sweetie to me, surely she's innocent guv'nor.
I know what you mean Carrie, it feels like ages.
The police finally came last friday. They told me that it was bound to be the person we suspect but they gotta catch him in the act or with the goods. I'm not holding my breath. But my nice neighbour says if he sees him, he'll clobber him.
Hahaha, I will pay to see that.
You put your feet up when you get home lady. You workers need a little pampering.
Hiya, sweets!
I'm sorry I disappeared. Life and such.... ugh.
I will type up the next bit of the spirally flower story soon, I assure you.
Let me know how your holiday season is going!
Annie makes just the cutest cheerleader I've ever seen and I love the pic of Ghost!
Miss ya!
I'm so sorry about your Nanny, your best friend's dad, and just your overall shitty week!
I'm in one of those blue holiday moods and I'm missing so many folks and our Christmas of last year too!
But you gotta admit, even in the deli department human beings are funny as fuck. God knows they are in the tax office and even though I work there and get terribly irritated and frustrated, I gotta say, the things I hear and see...well, you couldn't pay for this kind of entertainment! It's hilarious when I shrug off my scowl and allow it to be!
Whoop! Whoop! Happy Birthday Annie! May your special day be everything you hoped it would be and so much more!
Love ya'll!
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