Sunday, February 3, 2013

Bye Bye Birdie

So Al moved out today, I'm happy for her (and me) but I guess it is the end of an era.  Although EVERYBODY at work claims that she will bounce back.  I have faith that she will persevere though, I think she wanted out of here just as bad as I wanted to stop looking at things like the following...
Her messy ass nightstand, even Itty is appalled by the level of slobbiness.  Terry took her bed apart while she was at work today, and found her iPod which had been missing and presumed dead for a couple of months.  He wanted to hold it hostage, but I think he finally turned it over.
A different view of the crap pile.  Hey mom, at least you can see she's using the bedroom slippers you sent her for Christmas!  She claims that life is waaaaaay better with slippers, and I concur.
A final view of the crap.  The whole place just looked like a well heeled hobo inhabited it.  We didn't even take a picture of the hole she paced in the carpet, with her pacing like a caged tiger ways.  (See, told ya she wanted out. :)
Her new room, clean for probably the last time.  Loving the doofy look on her face.  Her roommate Marshall was telling her how glad he was that his family didn't make him do the whole dorky picture thing, whoops.
Al's friends Angela and Steve helped a crapload, literally, as in they hauled a load of her crap in their car, and Steve was the MAN.  Toted the dead grandma chair and the tv up the icy snow covered stairs like a champ.  Al has some great friends.  Angela did carry a seat cushion and I think some pillows.  Still more than I did, I believe I brought in the box of Legos (very important).  Hey, I work this morning and I was all old and crippled from the cheese wall.  I'm still seating on the heating pad even as I'm typing this!
Annie and me in the kitchen.  Really nice pantry and countertops.  Overall, the place is gorgeous, and I am a little jelly her first apartment is so nice.  Mine and Terry's was a rat trap.  Well, literally a mouse trap, but that was probably more because that was before I was OCD and I was a horrible housekeeper.  Hopefully Al won't have to go through that particular learning curve.
But I'm pretty leery about that happening--and so the mess begins.  She's probably over there twitching right now because she has no internet access, probably until Wednesday.  But, she did forget to steal some towels, and her leftovers from her "last supper" I made her last night--steak, baked potato, roasted asparagus, and a buttload of baby bella mushrooms and onions.  Annie had....a turkey sandwich.  Sometimes I swear that kid was given to me by mistake.
When we were getting ready to leave, Terry was taking forever and then I saw him taking a pic of something.  This is the truck of Al's new neighbor.  Um, yeah, that totally doesn't look like a serial killer's ride or anything.  O.O
All in all, I'm very proud of her for taking this big step, even though I will miss her and our late night tv watching.   Love you, baby girl!  And you guys know that's about as much gushing as I can muster, I am a human version of grumpy cat, after all.


Kathy said...

Looks like the neighbor drives a dumpster?

Congratulations on one leaving the nest :-) You'll fill that real estate soon enough. Your reading room. Craft (yarn?) room. Exercise equipment. Cats' Tardis room.

Jennicula said...

Congrats to Al on moving out. I remember my first apartment. It was a dump, but it was my dump.

Lots of lesson learned. "You have to actually PAY for heat? That's stupid." "Clothes don't wash themselves? That's stupid."

It was a hard first year, but also really great.

We told the boy when he moves out in the next few years, Willie and I are going to make his room into the "Nekkid Room." Actually, Willie keeps telling him that. I don't know what he thinks the Nekkid Room will be all about, but apparently we're going to have one.

Jennicula said...

Yes, heavy substance abuse for many, many years.

The kind that makes you lose your mind and yourself.

I stopped seeing her because I was starting to feel as if she were casing the house. She would bring strange "friends" with her.

And, there was no way I would visit her because her part of town is extremely dangerous. Even during the day. Lots of murders.

She's fallen a long way and it appears as if she has yet met the bottom.

MissTottenham said...

Congrats to Al, the new place looks lovely, so clean.

Of course everyone knows that the move just would not have been able to happen if you hadn't carried in the box of lego.