Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Cheesecake made in five minutes, what is this world coming too? While I was stocking my friend the cheesewall yesterday afternoon, I happened upon this wondrous product called ready made cheesecake filling, and since the salmon we were having for dinner was on the meager side, I decided to justify dessert. One readymade Oreo crust, readymade filling, strawberries we already had (what? a fresh ingredient? Creepy) and some Hershey's syrup, there it was.

Less than 24 hours later. Now I just need to never buy this stuff again. Oh processed gobbledygook, how I love thee. And no! I wasn't the only one eating the pie! And yes, I know this is not technically creepy in a scary sense, but at this point I've mostly run out of ideas and I'm just trying to make myself post every day.


Lea said...

We almost thought alike, I made strawberry shoetcake instead of cheesecake though. Same "Bloody" red theme with the strawberries though. That processed stuff must have been "THE BOMB". Now the question remains, Who gets that last piece?

Carrie said...

That is totally two pieces, don't be a piggy! And I'm glad you're still alive. I know you are hella busy.

MissTottenham said...

Yum yum, send me some.

LOL that rhymed.