Wednesday, October 7, 2009


You know what's creepy? The fact that we took two or more pictures of creepy things like, two hours ago, and they have totally disappeared from the itty card in the camera. Vanished. Vamoosed. No piccy for you guys. Even Terry with his infinite geekdom doesn't know what happened, because they totally showed up on the camera, then nada. Oh well, at least I have two more ideas. Oops, Terry just tried to take another pic and it was all like "change the batteries." This is knowledge that would have been useful to me TWO PICS AGO!!!


Terry said...

The counter on the camera incremented by 4 which is how many picture I thought we took. It's a mystery.

Anonymous said...

Hey Carrie!

How goes the day?

What did you take two creepy pics of?

Jennicula said...

No creepy pics for me today. I've creeped myself out. Watched one too many episodes of Ghost Hunters and then had a series of freaky nightmares where I thought I was being suffocated by a ghost.

Turns out I can't really let the cat sleep on my head without breathing problems on my end. :)

MissTottenham said...

Oooooooo spooky vanishing pics. Can you get Terry to make all our pics of me vanish?

Carrie said...

No, I will not, you tiny headed lass, because you are sweet and cute. :)