This little green dude stopped by the other night, he was all minding his business stuck to the glass, when we saw him and screeched with delight and immediately ran outside to molest him. He hopped in my hair at one point, but no pic of that. I think he was less than pleased with our outpouring of affection, go figure.
Annie was drawing on the deck the other night, some abstract something or the other, and then she kept adding and Terry told her she overdid it and sometimes less is more, and this is the next drawing she did. He didn't criticize this one as much.

The kids had just tortured the cat by making him go down the slide, and then Al crawled up it to shove herself onto the deck thing at the top, so we took a picture of her ass and announced we were going to put it on the blog.

She then suggested that we read between the lines.

But Annie got her back for us, she was writing on Al when Al thought she was making a drawing (how she couldn't tell the difference, I don't know, and why she would let Annie draw on her in the first place, also a mystery). I think this would make a nifty tattoo. We later found out Al had started it by leaving a message on Annie's open notepad on the computer, and there's been a whole poo flamewar going on we had no clue about.

I have no idea what all this green stuff is, we have planted many things in that area over the years and nothing has ever came up, but now, wham, nifty groundcover.

The hops are doing very well this year. The one in the middle is a new addition, that's why it's so teeny.

Yum, strawberry shortcake for dinner, one of the perks of summer. I mean, you could have it in the dead of winter, but it wouldn't be the same. Not that we really have summer here. We had like, two days of it last week, and now it's been cold and off and on rainy. Booo.

The Great White Hunter chased a squirrel and then ended up stuck in the tree for a good 40 minutes before he figured out how to get down. We did try to help him, but he wasn't so much up for that. I thought this was a good pic because you can see his creepy little eyes. And he's STILL pooing on the floor, despite threats, cajoling, and me spreading tacks behind the couch where he's been going (he jumped over the dang things and pooed in a new spot). This cat, he is mentally deficient, and my couch is starting to smell like the zoo. I am not happy.

I unexpectedly found this on the fridge last week, underneath some stuff on the side, and it made me giggle and then boo hoo. We have always called it the "Pop-eyed Poppy" picture. I sure wish this crap would get easier, you know?