Saturday, August 30, 2008

Geeky Fun

The crossword in my Friday paper got printed backwards, and I enjoyed doing it more than usual. I wish it would happen again, I need some brain exercise. The puzzle is pretty easy anyway, I'm not one of those New York Post in ink kinda people. I have a low threshold of frustration and don't want to feel like a stoopid head. Anything over a three star Sudoku puzzle leaves me crying in the corner too. And hi, Miss T, my only commenter (okay, lately) besides a bot!! I hope you had a good weekend.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

A Twofer

Oh my heck, my fat friends, stay the hell away from this new confectionary. I think there are actually two more flavors besides these, chocolate mint and um, something else I'm too lazy to look up. They are gooooood. Like, evil good.

Poor random neighborhood cat that I have not seen before tonight. We were all Yipe! A white cat! We have a white cat! But that cat is too big! And then we looked closer and saw that this one isn't all white, it has a yellowish tail and ears, and well, it ain't quite right. That cocked head with the quizzical look? Is permanent. Seemed friendly enough, but didn't want any food, we just collectively meowed at each other for a bit and then it stumbled off into the night.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Weekend Project

Or rather, many many weekends. I didn't do too much, just a little of the edging on the helmet. It's for the MSU Spartans, Terry's alma mater. We used to have a big "S" logo on there, but we're mixing it up this year, we're crazay that way. Also, point of interest, Terry drew it on there with a Sharpie, yet managed to resist writing on himself.

Friday, August 22, 2008


They flit, like my memories of you
The hopes, the dreams, the obvious reality
I think sometimes that you were my first best friend

They flit, like mosquitos
I can still remember the day, perfectly

it hurts, knowing what happened after.
I want me one, she said,

I hope she gets it. Scary how you can still
feel the threads, years later.

Drawing you down, drawing you in.
To wait and see if the theories are true.

It is way too easy to fall in.
It's a honey snare.

They scatter at my approach.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Whickety Whacked

Now granted, some of this is because of unfortunate waves and cowlicks and such in the back of my head. But seriously? She let me walk out of the place like this. Hmmm, looks like I still need to do some more scissor work back there. Or take more vitamins so my hair will grow reeeeaaaallly fast.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Pig Roastin' Fun

We went to the annual "Quadrasteer" pig-roast yesterday. This was our seventh one, but there have been 11 overall. The cast and crew change from year to year, but it's always nice to get together with friends and enjoy good food and good company.

Poor, poor piggy. He took longer to roast this year since he was around 250 pounds. We usually have one that weighs more in the 200 pound range.

Completely gratuitous shot of Jeremy. He's dreamy. He ran a triathalon that morning, and now he is busy pouring poisons into his well honed body.

The host went all out this year, and there were mucho things to do and enjoy for the youngsters. Hope they don't expect the same treatment next year if we end up hosting. We're liable to just have a box of popsicles and a squirt gun for them all to share.

It was a fun day followed by a beautiful night.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Anna is a Fashionista

This is her latest design, created from an old book cover. I especially like the use of the elastic for the neckline, and the seams to add to the overall design. I'm thinking maybe I should buy the kid a sewing machine and some fabric and wait for her to be on Project Runway. But if she talks about herself in the third person (Hello Suede!!) I will disown her. But I will still want some of the money she wins.

My Kitteh

See, I would normally post a pic of my really cute kitty here, but he's not so cute right this second. He's had a relapse of ickiness. He's sneezing, has runny eyes, and some oh so attractive ringwormage happening about his neck regions. I did some research on the internet today, and I think my sister in law is a big fat liar about how old he was and I think we took him away from his mommy a bit too soon. Evidently he should still be nursing every now and then and gaining super antibodies from Mommy cat so he doesn't catch every bug that flies by. Oh well, he goes back to the vet on Friday, so we will get some professional advice then.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Creepy Statue Girl

She wants your soul, to keep in her little flower looking thing there. And check out my basil all flowering all over the place. Yeah, yeah, I should cut it back, but I like having stuff growing all verdant back there.

Friday, August 1, 2008

This be the Hops

MMMM, Hops. Hoppity flavor. Also, they look kinda cool all crawling up the side of the house. They will eventually be used to flavor beer, which I will at least sniff, you know, to smell the hops.