Sunday, February 28, 2010

Cats are Ebil

Itty likes to walk on the counters, despite our best efforts to dissuade this behavior because we know where her paws have been. Last week I was minding my own business when I heard a HUGE crash tinkle tinkle sound that could mean nothing good. She had managed to drag the whole dish rack off the counter, causing my beloved Pyrex measuring cup to meet the tile and immediately EXPLODE, or as three year old Al would have put it, kersplode. It's over a week later and I am still finding pieces of glass. I was pretty pissed because the thing was older than my kids, I can't even remember where I got it. Stupid cat. But it forced me to give my kitchen floor a good sweep, which it needed, judging by that macaroni noodle in amongst the glass, I think it's been a loooong time since I've made macaroni.

Annie's painting from school. The colors are really nice, so don't judge it by this kinda washed out looking photo. What cracks me up (and pisses Annie off) is that we think this poor bird looks like he is in dire need of the bathroom. Yeah, yeah, I know it's a rear view and his wings are just crossed behind his back and those are the wingtips sticking out. I think it's the lines around his eyes, they give him a somewhat concerned look, and I don't think he's thinking about the rainforest being chopped down. For the life of me, it looks like he's doing the pee dance up on that branch. Terry was actually the first one to notice this phenomenom, kinda like one of those pictures like look, it's a bunny, no it's a duck.

Al's drama team? cast? whatever you call them, the one act play won the State championship thingamajig this year. She does the soundage for them, and really enjoys it. She doesn't so much enjoy getting her picture taken though. I have helpfully circled her forehead for you, which appears to be growing out of her friend's armpit.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy VD

Lately, I have been not much of a carnivore, but nothing says Valentine's Day like a big hunk of meat, and I must heartily thank this cow for giving its yummy yummy life. I figured if I was gonna go there I might as well get the good stuff, so we got tenderloin, and I found this recipe on the internet that involved our beloved Shiraz, and well, there you go. I'm sure someone I know who has recently entered the culinary arts will no doubt have something to say about my presentation or messy plate, but hey, it tasted good.

The recipe involved much pan searing and hot baking sheets and a veil of smoke hung in the air in our dining room, but at least the strident strains of the smoke alarm were not heard. Wait, when's the last time we changed the batteries?
We managed to get rid of the kids, Annie for the whole night (hope she remembered her toothbrush, she has an orthodontia appt. tomorrow) and Al for most of the evening, she and her friend are having a "Losers night" (even though neither of them are just by virtue of being unattached) and hitting up the Pizza Hut and watching some movies. I even sweetened the deal by throwing in a giant chocolate chip cookie iced thing.
Happy Valentine's Day, hug em if you got em, or maybe just cuddle a pet, because that's just as fun most days.

Friday, February 5, 2010

The Circle of Life

Alas, my good friend has expired. It brought me much joy, laughter, and well, rage at times too. It started acting weird about a month ago, turning itself off and having a wonky screen and just generally being unreliable, but in his usual fashion Terry waited until it was completely a boat anchor, mainly because he wanted to get out his itty screwdrivers and pry it apart. Since then it has been ascertained that it's probably just a screen issue, and with any luck it can be fixed. Al has been eyeing the carcass hungrily like a hyena, or vulture, or some other thing that likes carcasses. I think she's thinking she needs a laptop for college, and at least she likes all the stickers (for the most part, I'm thinking maybe the High School Musical Ones might get prised off, even though, c'mon, Zac Efron gay dancing is totally hilarious).

The Simba to the Mufasa, the new kid on the block. We're still getting to know each other, and there's a lot of things different with the OS so I spend a lot of my time clicking around and muttering and trying to find things, but I like the purty purty color. And yeah, the stickers will probably come, I'm just like that. I guess it will be interesting to see how my tastes have changed.

The other night this sweet little Indian Man snuck into our house to play with the new Rock Band game. Nah, that's just Annie in her oh so fashionable Turbo Twisty. And Terry had to buy a new game to boost the Best Buy purchase so we could get 18 months free of interest, such a huge sacrifice, I'm sure.