First off, our new living room floor. Ghost's pee job finally got too much for us to bear and we gave in and ripped up the carpet (huh, first I typed crapet, which is what it had definitely turned into). This is one of those prelaminated thingamadoos that is supposed to oh so easily snap together. Um, not so much, much swearing and a mallet was heavily involved. It's nice, but it really shows the kitty footprints, they must have hella sweaty paws or something.


I thought a bird had rudely shat upon my screen door because there was a big blob on it, and then when I went outside to clean it off, I noticed that the blob was writhing about. So I hauled ass back into the house, and then of course stood behind the door and blew on the blob and watched the itty spiders kersplode out and skitter away, and went back outside to take pics of them so I could make all my spider loving friends screech.

Annie is writing a novel, she's way over 100 pages (handwritten) at this point. She tried to explain it to me, people can move atoms or something, and it's heavily influenced by her love of all things Japanese, and there's cool weapons and such.

Al waiting for Terry to pick her up after her first real day of work, she got the job I wanted in the bakery and she kinda keeps rubbing it in and Ima gonna kick her 18 year old ass out if she doesn't stop it. No fair she gets to fondle donuts all day while I'm stuck frying chicken and shaving people's meat.

When I tried to climb up to the top of the slide to well, spy on the neighbors (there had been all sorts of heavy machinery sounds from back there) I broke through the rotted rung (seriously, it was rotted, my ass isn't quite as fat as it used to be) and we decided that the swing set was regrettably coming to the end of it's journey. And for some reason it made Terry all emo and he had to take pics of the slide. I want to knock the whole thing down, burn it in the fire pit, and get a nice old person swing/glider thing going back there.

New screen door installed by Terry this past weekend. Ghost had turned into a jailbreak artist and he could just muscle the last one open, which means we had to keep the door closed all the time and with the weather being so hot lately it was becoming a pain in the ass. So, yeah stupid Gho$t costing us yet more monies to put up a new door with a latch and a handle.

Hah! Suck on that, hairball. You can bang your pointy head on that all day and it's not gonna budge. Just give up and go find a window. I can almost see the emo tear running down his itty fuzzy face.
Your floor looks lovely, a job well done.
Yuck on the exploding spider blob.
LOL you wanna replace the kids swings with the old biddie version.
Hahahaha poor Ghost looks well pissed off with the new screen door.
Congrats to Al on her new job and congrats to Annie on her novel, it sounds great so far.
LEA: Hey You! I couldn't sign in correctly under my name- Maybe because I'm traveling in the car in North Carolina headed for the beach using my laptop, which is way cool, but, don't know what I did so I have to be an ANON. By the way, Al's prom pic is really good. She's rockin' the camera. I love your new floor it's really nice-looking. I hope annie is a famous author one day and that Ghost finds another way 2 escape. :)
I love the new floor! It's so pretty. What does Ghost think of it?
I wanted to RUN AWAY!!! when I saw your writhing door. That would be a nightmare for me and I would be tempted to just burn the entire house down after that. I don't even think I can look at the picture again. blech.
Congrats to Annie and her book!
Just think, somewhere down the line, Al is going to get so sick of the smell of donuts, they will be ruined for her. Willie worked at a cheesecake bakery for years and now he can't even look at them without getting yacky.
I think an old lady glider thing would be great. Or a gazebo. I want a gazebo but the only place we can put it is by the bamboo where the blasted peepers live which means they will probably shit all over me and my tucked away hidey-spot. Damn birds.
Your poor kitty. First you remove his favorite crapet and now his way to freedom? You must be the meanest human EVER! 0_-
Whew! I hope you're doing alright. Looks like you've been busy.
Catch ya on the flip side.
Lovely floor. I plan soon to have a similar floor like yours.
Getting everybody back to school or off to college yet?
I took last week off to get our butts in gear so we're ready for the start.
Even though I take the time to get ready, that first day back always seems to be a disaster in my house.
Hope you are doing well.
Haven't seen you around in a while.
How is Autumn treating you?
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