Wednesday, August 5, 2009

In Case Y'all Haven't Noticed....

I haven't been around so much lately in the blogosphere. I've mostly been working my fingers to the bone and falling down repeatedly and burning myself every now and then just for good measure. There have been a few bright spots here and there, but mostly this has been the summer of suckiness. I'm hoping that the fall (not literally, although lately I seem prone to it) of frivolity, or fabulousness, or financial security follows this season.

Volunteer sunflower that is growing out of the side of the compost pile behind our shed. The little booger cheers me up with its tenacious growing all out of a heap of dumped stuff. Guess I should look for some New Age touchy feely symbolic meaning to all that, but I'll just go with, hey, that's cool.

Our lily patch this year, a little past its prime but it's still purty. I had strewn some wildflower seed back there too hoping to get the whole English garden (what I call it when I'm too lazy to weed) going, but I don't think that patch gets as much sun as I thought.

Annie wanted me to put this up in the hopes that someone would know what it is. We went grave visiting the other day (Annie has discovered a love of cemeteries, she says she likes the peace and quiet) and found this thing blowing about. I'm sure I could google, but she was all put it up on the blog and ask, so here it is.
Tomorrow would have been my Dad's 65th birthday, so that probably contributes to my somewhat morose mood. Happy Birthday, stupid dying on me Daddy.

UPDATE: Sunflower toppled over and died, Annie found it. Stupid sunflower.


MissTottenham said...

RIP happy sunflower dude. *wipes away tear*

I don't know what the cemetary discovery is but we have it a lot over here. I think it's pretty. It's kinda like each leaf is one of those paper fans.

Charlie said...

Looks like money plant to me.

Anonymous said...

Carrie girl, you ROCK!!! I didn't realize how smart you are but I should have known after knowint your sweet mom and dad> We talked about your pop alot really laughing and crying but it was fun.
Your mom has taken root at my house and I guess she'll be here forever. And you can't have her back, we're gonna keep her so get over it. Nah, Nah, Nah LUV ya gal!!

Jennicula said...

Sorry to hear about your sunflower.

They are such happy looking flowers (as if they had any type of emotions at all).

Maybe the message was, "Even crap can look happy"? I don't know.

I've noticed you haven't been around. Just know you've been missed.

Lea said...

Hey Girl friend! Lovely flower pics! The Sunflower was real cheery. I love the beautiful lillies. Charlie's right, I remember seeing the plant Annie found and we used to call it a money plant too! Take care and stop falling!