The newest drain on finances. I think I need to stop letting the girls spend time at Aunt Patti's because they keep coming home with kittens. I don't want this stuff to escalate and next thing you know, it's a calf, or a goose, or whatever the heck else she has roaming around the back 40 looking cute and making moon eyes. This itty one doesn't really have an agreed upon name. First it was thought to be of the male persuasion, so "his" name was Jasper, which I think is a girly name anyways and still could have worked when it was suspected that gender identification was full of wrong. So Al started calling her Alice, after some other character in Twilight, which I find enormously ironic considering how much time she has spent expounding on the overall lameness of that franchise. Plus, I just think Alice for a cat kinda sounds stupid, so I suggested Shadow, or Spectre (complete with pretentious spelling) since we already have a Ghost, but nooooo, nobody liked that either. And then I suggested Cinder, since hello, itty blackness, or I was trying to come up with something that had to do with my Dad since he was always fond of black cats and such. So right now, we have been calling her (well, when I call her something besides," hey you, get your snout out of my water glass") C.A.S.T., which stands for Cinderella Alice Shadow Templar. She's snuggly and sweet, but her farts are the foulest stench known to mankind. Last week there was an itty cat barf next to the litter box, I bet it was her heaving at her own stench.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Posted by Carrie at 2:42 PM
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Aw new kitty is gorgeous. LOL at the farting though. Who'd have thought such a stench could come from so itty a thing.
I guess you haven't spent much time with Annie! Love ya sweetie, but OMG that girl can clear a room;)
Carrie, your kitties are so sweet.Want a few more? I Have a housefullbut I could never give them away. I DO luve my babies. Take care, darlin'.
(Kevin and I sure miss your momma. Hope we can get her back up here again. We laughed so much our jaws locked up tight). Bettyand Kevin
we had a Cinder and Snowflake. :)
Your new kitty is beautiful, but then you knew I would say that - my affinity to black cats being the obvious reason. I would show it to Pixel but he would be soooo jealous! I love you dearly and as always enjoyed your pics and commentary-Mom
Hey You! The new kit-kat is sooo cute. Ghost sure has grown up a lot too! You called them ebony and ivory and I was thinking salt and pepper :) I know, I like it simple! Take Care!
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