Behold, the great Cornhole boards that Terry crafted with his own two hands. I know the name of the game sounds totally nasty, but it's actually kinda fun. You put these things 27 feet (I asked for the official distance) apart, and take turns throwing bean bags at the holes, or really they are supposed to be full of corn, hence the name. We cheated and got ours at the store, they have little gravely things in them, which puff out dust and kill the grass, as an added bonus. Anyways, you get different points according to whether your bag goes in the hole, or lands on the board, and there's a whole buncha boring rules that I don't really care about and I make Terry keep score, I just wanted to show y'all this:
I mean, there's missing the board, and then there's like, missing the YARD. Annie tossed this baby into the tree! I mean the boards are straight across from each other, there's not too many tricky trajectories involved. You do not get points for hitting the landscaping.

This is her pouting because we are all laughing hysterically and telling her she has to get it out of the tree, unless she can coax her stupid cat up there to retrieve it or something. Luckily, she had this handy stick.

Poke, poke, poke.

Victory. She may not be able to throw a corn bag, but at least she can balance one on the end of a stick. No points for that though.

Hops, ready for harvesting.

Annie and I making like migrant Hops harvesters and picking all those annoying little things off. I was taking the opportunity to tell Annie how they harvest tea, or at least what I've seen in commercials on tv. Being as it wasn't even that hot the day we were doing this, we decided that being a tea leaf harvester is a job that would suck.

I think we might have actually had more than this in the end. It was quite the bumper crop compared to last year. So Terry dried them, bagged them, and put them in the freezer, and then threw away the ones from last year that were in the freezer that he still hadn't used. He doesn't want to admit it, but he's really just growing hops for fun. I like that they do the climby thing up the house, so it's okay with me.

First day of school pic, they look so enthused, no? Annie is riding the bus for the first time this year, but at least she has her badass sister with her to keep everyone behaving proper.

This is the CatLoaf, or Snarf, or SnarfLoaf, and she hets you all. She has a perpetual cold and loves to choke on her own phlegm and barf at the top of the stairs. Any takers?
I'll have you know that I used a lot of last years harvest. Just not all of it.
Also, I'm taking orders for cornhole boards. I'm only charging $1 an hour plus materials. Considering it took me like a gazillion hours to make them I figure all I have to do is sell one set to retire.
Cornhole (tp-for-my-bunghole!) is all over the place here, too, right beside beer pong. Horseshoes and shuffleboard for the Coors Light kegstand set.
You guys are hilarious. You can keep the phlegm cat though.
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