Or try to pick up a semi feral outdoor kitten, no matter how much you've fed it and petted it and been nice to the stupid thing, and even if your kid double dog dares you to try. Bad things will happen, and then you will end up with two bandaids on your hands when you go to work and then you will look like some silly cutter emo kid.

And we even made them this, the Best Little Cathouse in Michigan, fashioned out of a dee-luxe cardboard box, an old towel, and a desk lamp. We had a cold snap last week with temps below zero, and I was worried that their little feets would freeze off. Now I say they can just hobble around on the stumps, ungrateful turds.

Miss T, you really really owe me that picture of you with your head inside the bird cage now. Gangsta, no? Um, so far, I freaking hate this thing and the only difference it's making in my sleep is it is hella disrupting it. I feel like I'm suffocating half the time, or the humidifier is causing weird condensation problems and the tubey thing starts gurgling, or I get a leak around the mask and a high pitched squeal ensues. So in conclusion, not digging it, in case that wasn't clear.
#1 grabbing a wild, never been hand held kitty is far from the most mensa genius thing that you have ever done, but good try. I double dog dare you to do it again.
#2 you gotta get the cool mask to cover it like Darth Vader did. You didn't see him just wandering around posting nekkid respirator pix on his blog in a shameless attempt for pity and sympathy from his friends, do you ?
Besides, I told you where to find sympathy.
Dude, have you been checked for rabies? And, I think you need stitches.
Little bastards!
I think the cardboard cathouse condo looks quite comfy and accomodating.
Pussies are so fickle.
Oh no Carrie, it is a bad day when your pussy turns on you like that.
My, don't you look stunning in your sleep machine gear hahahahahah! Who needs sleep anyway.
I think I will have to get round to the head in bird cage picture any day now, as soon as I can be arsed.
Ummm, my sister has a way with words, huh? I totally spit my milk out everywhere when I read her last line.
Dude, that mask? I'm afraid I would run screaming if someone tried to put that on me. I already can't breathe and I don't think that would help at all.
Kitty scratches are the worst. SS Phantom Kitty is badass and he/she will pop you with the quickness.
He/she just looks at us like we are all crazy. Plus, he/she is cross-eyed so I'm sure he/she sees like four of me anyway. Yeah, I have no idea if Phantom is a boy or girl and I'm not about to try and find out. Fluffy tail is in the way. ^_~
Hope you guys are having a great week so far!
Poor Carrie! Scratched up hands and a freaky contraption to have to wear to sleep. I know that would keep me from sleeping soundly that's for sure. You've got my sympanthy!
...please where can I buy a unicorn?
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