Okay, so many have called me out for posting poor little Annie's birdy skull and poking fun. Here is where I repay my debts. Sure, I will make fun of my family, but I also will make fun of myself. At the risk of being politically incorrect, I hereby present the "Waterhead Baby" pictures. My parents were more than willing to hunt these down and scan them in for me. Sure, my head is freakishly large, but I am damn happy about it!!! I remember pulling this one out late one night when my friend David was over, he could not control his hyena like laughter, I seriously thought he was going to pass out from lack of oxygen. My parents sternly emerged from their bedroom to see what the hullabaloo was about, and while they understood where the amusement was coming from, they still told him to shut the hell up. Come to think of it, I think David demanded an autographed copy of this pic, I remember my Mom taking it to her library job to make copies.

I wish I had seen these before I married you! I guess it is too late now. I'm just glad both kids ended up looking more like my side of the family!
I have y'all know this was a beautiful, sweet baby. Don't you dare make fun or I'll find you and make you sorry!!! Mom
I absolutely Love the first picture that you called water head baby. You were sooo cute! The big head God gave you was to hold that enormous brain in there anyway, right?
That's even more freakish than any carnival sideshow. I didn't realize that this was a true horror blog. I think the poor kids are doing very well, especially since they got the ugh end of the genetics tree. On the bright side both of their parents seem to have brains, so that's something. But no matter what, you have to love them. A mother's delusional opinions of her child's looks, brains, et-cetera are functional. It prevents them from drowning them at birth. (and as they grow up) .
By the way, it's not really "even" if you post stuff of your own. That means even though if is horrific, you are okay with it. To get truly "even" she must hunt down things that you really don't want posted, and post them. Have her ask me for private suggestions.
This post made me LOL big time. Thanks for the laughs :D
LOL carrie, maybe I should get my arse into training, if i get my fanny training, I'll get myself a reputation. Would be more fun the exercise though.
OMG That is the biggest head I have ever seen on a baby. What with me and my tiny head, heads like yours are the stuff of fantasy. If I hadn't seen the picture, I'd never have thought it possible.
*ha ha ha ha thump, thump* (me laughing my tits off)
Damn girl, you could use that forehead for advertising space.
Hey, do you have sleep apnea? Is that what the pic in the last blog is showing?
And these pics of you as a baby... I love how happy you are! Your forehead just shows what an immense brain you have.
Awwww, Carrie! You were adorable! You should see some of my first baby pictures. My mother said I looked like a little wrinkled old man! O_O
OMG! I was like Benjamin Button! O_o
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