We have had a devastating loss in the family this week, the victim of senseless dumbassery. And we are the folks who try to make blog entries out of crap like this, so here you go. RIP Simon. Lover of Ben Folds Five, Fall Out Boy and The Used. He also cherished Julie Nunes, although just the one track, he couldn't afford the whole album. He was not so much a fan of riding into the washing machine in the pocket of a Punisher jacket. I suspect he blinked his little screen off and on, yelled WE ARE HERE WE ARE HERE WE ARE HERE like the Whos, maybe tried to use the ear buds for a flotation device for a bit, and then just gave it up like Jack in the Titanic and wished Al well in her future, but he RESENTED her, I'll bet.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Bury Me in Black
Posted by Carrie at 8:24 PM 21 comments
Monday, March 16, 2009
Psalty Goodness
First off, you guys need to work a little harder on your intelligent vibe sending. This looks like a perfectly normal intelligent child (okay, teen, whatever), no? The morning of the ACT she transformed into a gibbering Forrest Gump like character, except without the serendipity. First, she dadooted off to the bus stop without her (vital) graphing calculator, so she came running back in all huffing and puffing and frantic, then back out the door, only to return whilst I was in the shower to screech despairingly that she had missed the bus and her life was over. I didn't even have time to dry my hair or spackle on my public face, so sorry to any who glimpsed my true self while I ran her over to the school. I'm not sure when we get the test results. I would say send good luck vibes, but I'm afraid those might be even worse than y'all's intelligent ones, and I don't want to chance my house sliding into a sinkhole or something similar.
Posted by Carrie at 2:18 PM 5 comments
Sunday, March 8, 2009
She Blinded Me With Science
Not much happened this past week besides work and more work and boring stuff. We did have the big Science/Art/Forensics/Music Fair thing yesterday though. Thanks to my Aussie friend Ergo, Annie had a pretty cool science project involving using cabbage juice as a pH indicator. One, cabbage juice stinks, in case you didn't know, and I've had a jar of that stuff in my fridge for the past two weeks (just in case they needed some more, they didn't want to have to make it again, a process which REALLY stank up the joint), and two, the stuff actually works, with pretty colors and everything. And the end result was this:
Posted by Carrie at 2:07 PM 5 comments