First off, you guys need to work a little harder on your intelligent vibe sending. This looks like a perfectly normal intelligent child (okay, teen, whatever), no? The morning of the ACT she transformed into a gibbering Forrest Gump like character, except without the serendipity. First, she dadooted off to the bus stop without her (vital) graphing calculator, so she came running back in all huffing and puffing and frantic, then back out the door, only to return whilst I was in the shower to screech despairingly that she had missed the bus and her life was over. I didn't even have time to dry my hair or spackle on my public face, so sorry to any who glimpsed my true self while I ran her over to the school. I'm not sure when we get the test results. I would say send good luck vibes, but I'm afraid those might be even worse than y'all's intelligent ones, and I don't want to chance my house sliding into a sinkhole or something similar.

Ah, yesterday was the long awaited (which is my way of saying dreaded) Church musical. In case you didn't know, I am sort of highstrung and well, hermit like. Get me in more than a crowd of 10 or so and I start to get the heebie jeebies. Above is a small taste of what 240 people stuffed into a Church basement looks like. I was not happy.

Ta-Dah!! Psalty the singing song book and the minions. Annie is all the way over to the right in the bright pink. They were marching off to something or the other, and singing their hearts out. There were even kazoos involved at one point. Evidently this is the good Psalty, Annie and her friends came up with a whole riff about Psalty's evil alter ego PUHsalty (you know, pronouncing the "P") who instead of teaching you about the wonders of worshipping Jesus and spreading joy, urges you to kick puppies and be mean to strangers and such. Hmm, wonder which one you would find me hanging out with?

These kids look beyond thrilled, not sure how far into it this song was. It was pretty long overall, or maybe it just seemed that way. I mainly put this one up because the boy in the dark shirt over to the left is who Annnieee has a cruuuusssh on. Granted, there are only three boys in her whole class, so crushing options are limited.

The kids made placemats (there was a lunch before the show). We found one of Annie's offerings. The kid to the right is saying "I like Frogs." That would pretty much be my response to the whole musical. No, seriously, the kids worked really hard and put on a good show.
I like frogs too.
I'm sure that out of the three lads in her class, he is the cutest Hee hee!
I am sending out my good luck and hope you pass vibes to Al.
And I'm sure that the sight of you in your natural state hasn't killed anyone of shock yet. It would have been on the news if it had hahahaha!
Good luck vibes to Al!
I understand the Forrest Gump-like gibberish in the morning. Actually, I think I understand it, but in reality it enters my head at an odd angle and I hear something else.
Being next to the achilles mouth is not necessarily better, because then I want to hit him. And that's not good.
I remember being crammed in a small church basement watching my son sing his heart out. When he was really young I videotaped him making a spit beard instead of singing.
It's my favorite performance. :)
PUHsalty! Bwahaha! Annie kind of rules. Heeee! By the way, the boy in the dark shirt is a cutie. ^_~
Sending lots of good luck, intelligent, perfect hair vibes to all!
And a belated happy birthday to your husband! :)
LOL carrie, you know pizza cures all xxxxxx
And a belated happy birthday to your husband! too :) That's you Terry sweetie.
Hi Carrie.
Just caught up at Mayo's and I gather those are all your comments deleted. Usually mass deletions occur when people are hurting. I hope you're doing alright, and I'm really pleased to find you are, at least, still at your home. =)
Loving Annie's sense of humour. It's a lot like her Mum's.=)
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