We have had a devastating loss in the family this week, the victim of senseless dumbassery. And we are the folks who try to make blog entries out of crap like this, so here you go. RIP Simon. Lover of Ben Folds Five, Fall Out Boy and The Used. He also cherished Julie Nunes, although just the one track, he couldn't afford the whole album. He was not so much a fan of riding into the washing machine in the pocket of a Punisher jacket. I suspect he blinked his little screen off and on, yelled WE ARE HERE WE ARE HERE WE ARE HERE like the Whos, maybe tried to use the ear buds for a flotation device for a bit, and then just gave it up like Jack in the Titanic and wished Al well in her future, but he RESENTED her, I'll bet.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Bury Me in Black
Posted by Carrie at 8:24 PM
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Sorry to hear about your 'pod. Knock on wood, I've been lucky with mine in that I've found it before it hit the washer. Like, as I was tossing the jeans in I felt that square lump in the pocket.
My son made me feel overprotective this week when his bus caught on fire and I was concerned about his well-being.
He was all "chill mom." and I was like, "OMG! FIRE!"
He's fine. Bus was toasted. His clothes smell like melted plastic that I just can't seem to get out.
RIP ipod.
*hangs head for minutes silence*
We're on a new adventure with new animals.
2 fish (Ernie & Bert)
2 hamsters (Coal & to be named...)
So far, the fish have made it through the night without the cat eating them and the hamsters are still in the cage.
It's a good day!
Hiya carrie, I'm used to them being tender at period time. My mum has always had MAJOR tender breasts so I think I'm just prone. But it's not too bad and I'm used to it.
It's just this pain being mainly on the one side. But I'm sure it's the bras cos it's too coincidental otherwise.
I'm just gonna keep my eyes on em. mind you, we tell blokes off for that ^_^
If I win the lottery, that stonking pair of falsies will be mine hahaha!
I swear we're all part of the same family. ^_^
Miss you!
Sorry about the ipod Al. I'll remember cash for b-day ok? I like the Emo tear. Cute pic of Ghost & Annie too! Sorry I haven't dropped by in a while, been busy, I'll try and do better! Miss Ya!
Carrie, I'm pulling for your Dad. Here's hoping he can make a full recovery.
This year really does suck hard, doesn't it? WTF?
Hang in there and take care of yourself.
hi Carrie!
hope your dad is doing a little better? my thoughts are with you.
i lost my ipod in a freak accident, death by drowning, in a puddle! i kept hoping it would spring back to life, but sadly no.
take care carrie!
Carrie, I don't know what to say. I'm so sorry.
oh shit! i just popped back to the porch after my journey around blogbelieve, and read your news.
Carrie i am so sorry, i really hope that this is a mistake and he makes a recovery.
thinking of you and sending many positive vibes.
Carrie sweetie, I'm thinking of you and your family right now.
I hope that your dad pulls through.
You know where to find me if you need me.
All my love xxxxxx
I just read you at DM and I'm so sorry. I'm going to send you all the positive thoughts I can and just keep on hoping that he gets through this.
I spend so much time over here with you and your family that I kind of feel like I'm a part of it in some small way, and this makes what you're going through extra hard to watch. Me being here and you being way up there when I wish like I hell we could all just be there with you and surround you with our love.
So, here's to me hoping that you can somehow feel that all around you from Michigan to Virginia.
Love ya
Yes to what Solly said. I'll be thinking about you and your family, Carrie.
Sending you lots of love.
I read a bit at our friend's place, I still need to look at DM for the full story (or at least what you know at this point). What I have read, I realize it is serious...
My heart goes out to you. Sending all the strength I have to your Dad...that he will recover fully. And to you and your family, through this difficult time.
Much ♥
Take care my friend.
Oh Carrie,
I'm so sorry, love, to hear about your Dad.
I can't even begin to find words.
Sending you so much love.
While cruising around, I read your sad words.
Yes, 2009 is really the Year of the Suck.
I'm sorry you are going through what you are. Please hang in there and let us know what's going on when you can.
I'll keep you in my thoughts.
I'm so sorry.
Lots of love and hugs to you and your family, Carrie. Like I told you before, I'm here if you need me, okay?
Smoke and I thought about you a lot today. There's no telling how many times we mentioned your name. We're just really hurting for you and your whole family.
Sending you strength, peace, and lots of love.
I am so sorry for your loss. I hope that you and your family can find strength in each other. Hold onto the wonderful memories you've shared with him, they can get you through this. Please take care of yourself. My thoughts are with you. <3d/l
I am soo sorry about Mike. I am greatful to see you here in VA, since it's been a couple of years, I just hate the circumstances. I'm gonna miss you terribly when you go back to MI. It was a real nice memorial service and you know I'm here when you need me! Love Ya ! Lea
I'm so sorry for your loss Carrie sweetie.
You know I'm here for you anytime you need to talk.
Luv you loads.
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