Lookit, it's Spring all up in this place down here. I guess I get two Springs this year, because it hasn't so much sprung back at home in MI, at least according to the temps I see on my Weather Bug thingy. Took me a few days before I realized that I was still getting the one from home. I'm going to have to drag my butt to the Mart of Wal for some more short sleeved shirts, I only brought two and one is brown and one is black and I'm tired of depressing colors. Not that you will see me in hot pink anytime soon, mind you.

This cool tree thingy is in the woods behind my Nanny's house. I spent a heckuva lot of time tramping around down there back in the day. You know, in the olden times before satellite tv and Playstations and computers and the interwebs. When kids had to entertain themselves. And we liked it!! In the sixth grade, I had to do some thing called a Science Log, my teacher would assign certain things we had to find, or things we had to observe. The kids who lived in town would bitch and moan, but it never took me long to find weird moss, or spores, or a spider in the act of spinning a web.

If I was twenty five years younger and 100 or so pounds lighter, I would have totally tried to walk across this here log.

And I would have racked up mad extra Science Log points for this baby, a deer skeleton. I know Annie is disappointed she didn't get to see this, she is so fond of finding dead things in the spring, morbid little child.

I do think the antlers are cool looking though. The legs weren't with the rest of the skeleton, they were a bit farther down the gorge, but I didn't feel like hunting about for them. I hope everyone is having a nice Easter. I am going to get a visit from the two cutest nephews in the world later, Terry is totally jealous.
bring me the skull. Bring Me The Skull . ! BRING ME THE SKULL ! ! !
I was thinking we could mount it to the front of the 'vue!
Ha, you know it will totally be down there still this weekend. I could totally bring the skull!
Great pics Carrie. The skull looks soooooo cool.
4 point FTW! Down here we call that a monsta buck!
Love your pics, Carrie! Your woods totally look like our woods.
And how effin' weird that you called your blog "serenity" and I called the blog at DM "tranquility", and I absolutely hadn't even been here yet.
When you go to the Mart of Wal, be sure to grab you a Hannah Montanna tee! They totally make em in adult sizes!
Love ya!
I love the tree that is all twisted like a pretzel.
Your woods look like my woods.
'cept it's actually spring-like here right now with rain and everything.
Missing you! Hope you, and Terry, and the Gals are doing well!
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