The former family goats, Doris and Lily. My mom wasn't too hip on learning how to deworm goats and all the other sorts of groovy things involved in having strange pets, so she found them a new home, specifying that there was to be no eating of said goats. They are now the newest denizens of a petting zoo, in visiting distance.
While I was down in VA the second week, Annie got to go stay at the farm, because I thought maybe leaving an 11 year old at home unsupervised might not be the best idea. And then she went and got bit by the dog. It was kind of funny because we called the night before we were going to head back home, and my bro-in-law answered, so Terry asked to talk to his sister. "Uh, she's helping Annie." "Helping Annie with what?" "Ummm...there was an incident." At which point Terry could hear his sister in the background asking "Is that Terry? Greaaatttt!" We had managed to call minutes after something happened so now we can make fun of what a horrible babysitter she is. Annie was fine, I think she was crying harder because she was afraid Ike was going to be severely punished. He got her a pretty good one though, these are crappy pics, but her thumb was all swollen up and purple and stuff. She got much street cred out of the story of the suckiest Spring Break EVER when she got back to school.
Now if you all will excuse me, I have to go get some chicken marinating in some BBQ sauce. I think Spring is finally entering the frozen North and I gotst to get my grill on tonight and enjoy the nice weather.
Real cute pics of your nephews! Poor Annie! I hope it feels better now! "Hey Everyone or Anyone who is interested- Come check out my blog place I dedicated it to the Birthday girl! (Monday, April 27th)
Happy Birthday Carrie!- Go check it out!
Poor Annie.
Better keep an eye on her during the next full moon. 0_*
Hiya birthday girl!
Poor Annie, I hope she's feeling better now, bad dog.
You got some cutie pie nephews there. I could just pinch their cheeks.
LOL now everyone knows about my duffle coat incident hahahaha!
Happy Birthday, Carrie!
I love your pics! I think you look so pretty and happy with your nephews. Your blog always makes me family-happy, ya know? All smiley and warm and gooey and softie on the inside!
Poor Annie! I hope her hand is feeling better. I've never been bitten by a dog, but that's gotta be some scary stuff (even if you are just worried that the dog is gonna get in trouble). Bless her little heart!
Happy late Birthday, Birthday Girl!
"And a little something for your amusement."
- never thought I'd see the day *shakes head disbelievingly*lol
And I love your goats! They look really content in their new home. They remind me of my grandparents 'pet' goat, Fred. Fred was the most cantankerous bugger of a billy goat you could ever meet. Long black hair, horns with curls in them, and a smell that would keep only the noseless away. He had the run of the gully. We just had to run. >_<
And you have adorable, energetic, mischievous nephews!
Love and hugs to you. =)
Awwww! Annie! :(
I can remember being little and wearing this fur jacket hoodie thingy and this dog thinking I was his chew toy. He just grabbed my hood and started dragging me around the yard.
I will never forget that day.
I bet Solly is laughing at me.
*sticks tongue out at Solly*
Oh, and goats! OMG! My husband decided to bring some goats to our house one day. I ended up having to use my car to round them up in the yard. Can you imagine me rounding up crazy ass goats? I was using lots of bad words. O_O
♥ ya, Carrie! :)
Don't know why but your compliment meant so much....
Sorry for responding like, years later.
Life, etc.
And now must crawl to bed.
Damn, missed b-day!
Happy birthday. Goats are so cute!
I'm sorry you have gym boo-boos! I hope you heal quickly, I've heard that chunky Kit Kats accelerate the process. :)LOL carrie, you'll have to send them all back hahahaha!
I keep trying to convince mum that I should have pizza every day cos it has amazing skin regenerative powers but she ain't buying it hahaha!
Terry is right, the ocean hasn't changed but it's NOTHING like a lake.
Yeah, it's wet.
Yeah, it can be fun.
But it's not salty or wavey or anything like an ocean.
Sorry Charlie.
Get thee to the ocean. Refresh thyself. Put your toes into the sand.
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