Terry did a great grand weeding of the corner of the yard where we have tulips and lilies and other low maintenance things, and he transplanted some of the lilies to a different planter. I don't know if the sun was in her eyes, or if Annie is just skeptical at their odds of survival. And Terry just came in from watering them and confirmed that statistic, they are looking pretty droopy. Evidently when you transplant something you're supposed to water it every day, go figure.
Alyson doing what appears to be work, but don't be fooled. That's the corner thing there, I bought some wildflower seed thing to spread out in that area, hoping that the weeds I actually bought for there will help choke out the weeds I don't want there. Wildflowers are at least pretty weeds, and not just boring overgrown grass.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Hair's the story...
Posted by Carrie at 11:43 AM 2 comments
Monday, May 25, 2009
F-F-F-Fuh-Field Day
This is Alyson being butt-hurt that her Dad had the utter audacity to strum a couple plinka plinkas on her birthday ukulele before she did. Evidently he sucked the soul out of it and then she could no longer bond with it or something equally dramatic and stupid. In the end it didn't matter, because we ended up sending this one back, because it was supposed to come with an instructional dvd and it didn't, so of course they had to send a whole new package, which of course had no dvd either, so we called and told them that obviously the description was full of wrong, and they gave us fifteen bucks off, so smiles all around. And I don't think I've even seen the replacement ukulele, because we were afraid to even, you know, touch the box, lest our negative energies seep through the packing material and sully the musical soul of the instrument.
Posted by Carrie at 11:12 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Happy Birthday Al-ligator!
This pic was supposed to be at the end of the entry, but then I accidentally deleted and I can barely figure out how to post much less move things around, so now my flow is all messed up but frankly it feels like I've been working on this entry almost as long as I was in labor with this child, so it's staying. Okay, the beginning of Al's emo phase. :) Gotta love the Ghoul costume. And considering she wants to be a medical examiner, it's good she has no problem with skeletal things.



Posted by Carrie at 10:45 PM 8 comments
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Tea with Miss T
My new silver tea service, compliments of my brother and his wife, who got it for um, buying a house? Opening a bank account? I don't know, they did something with a bunch of money and they got this thing which is way better than a toaster, but they didn't want it, so they passed it on to my Mom, who passed it on to me in the big purge of last month. She mailed it to me, along with my shoes that I had left down there including the one dirty sock I had left in one of my shoes. She is nothing if not thorough. At any rate, I kinda dig it. The itty vase has flowers from this reeaaaaaly good smelling bush that grows next to my porch, it smells a lot like jasmine. And Annie is totally going to have her friends over for tea and a Doctor Who viewing, so we can get all Anglophile like up in here. Which brings me to one of my fave Britishers, Miss T. We chat usually at least once a week, tell each other our bidness, and generally have a good time. And she is nursing a nasty treadmill injury right now, so I hope the following cheers her up.
Posted by Carrie at 11:33 PM 10 comments