This is Alyson being butt-hurt that her Dad had the utter audacity to strum a couple plinka plinkas on her birthday ukulele before she did. Evidently he sucked the soul out of it and then she could no longer bond with it or something equally dramatic and stupid. In the end it didn't matter, because we ended up sending this one back, because it was supposed to come with an instructional dvd and it didn't, so of course they had to send a whole new package, which of course had no dvd either, so we called and told them that obviously the description was full of wrong, and they gave us fifteen bucks off, so smiles all around. And I don't think I've even seen the replacement ukulele, because we were afraid to even, you know, touch the box, lest our negative energies seep through the packing material and sully the musical soul of the instrument.

Annie's field day was last Friday. Late May, right? Should be nice, right? Oh hell no, not if you live in the frozen pit of the North. Terry wore shorts, and wasn't even going to take a jacket, at which point I gave him the Mom look and he schlumped back into the house to get it, and he was damn glad for it when we got there. An arctic wind howled across the field, rendering us frozen. He couldn't feel his knees by the time it was over. This is Annie practicing for her standing jump. She inherited her athletic prowess from us, so not so much with the ribbons.

Giving it her all in the 100 meter dash. She's probably wincing from the icy cold blast she's getting in the face. Seriously, it was not warm.

The shelf Terry put up for me, and yes it's ever so slightly crooked. Or maybe our whole house is crooked, because he assures me he used a level. And look at that travesty, my Umbrella Academy figures out of the package. Hey, if I pay 40 bucks for itty things I don't need, I'm gonna play with them! Annie did the cool drawing of the moon with a shooting star for me.

My good friend Danielle came to visit me on Saturday, which required her driving a couple hours just to have lunch, so I know she kinda likes me. I think we figured out that it's been a couple years since we've gotten together. Let's put it this way, I think last time I saw her she had short hair! We had a fun time hanging out, eating lunch and going to the liquor store, two of my favorite things. :)

Real absinthe, the genuine article, imported from France. None of that Southern wormwood, this stuff is the real deal. Terry almost dropped a load at the price, but I was all "My prrreeecious," and I pointed out I do have a job so I should be able to waste my money on what I want, so he gave in. I haven't tried it yet though, I'm kinda askairt. Plus I'm going to be like, rationing it out over the next five years. Hope the United States stopper-bys are having a nice Memorial Day weekend.
Poor Al, having to put up with your bad vibes on her ukulele. How could you, what were you thinking hee hee!
Poor Annie too with the freezing sports day, I remember those. If Annie is anything like me, she'd rather have a hot water bottle than a winning ribbon.
Go on, get that Absinthe drunk, just don't forget to post the accompanying pictures hee hee!
Carrie - I just meant that I agree with you that we should talk about more positive things more often. Plus I was guilty of dumping my problem here and while it made me feel better I realized after reading you and hearing your positive take on things, that I was being selfish.
It was my own guilt talking! And I am sorry you feel that way. I hope things can be more positive here.
I think the feelings you express are very true and should be a guide to me personally.
And thank you. *hug*
Rod was impressed by how tall I looked in the photo of us. I think that it is really his way of saying you, my friend, are short!! I couldn't help but share.
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