My new silver tea service, compliments of my brother and his wife, who got it for um, buying a house? Opening a bank account? I don't know, they did something with a bunch of money and they got this thing which is way better than a toaster, but they didn't want it, so they passed it on to my Mom, who passed it on to me in the big purge of last month. She mailed it to me, along with my shoes that I had left down there including the one dirty sock I had left in one of my shoes. She is nothing if not thorough. At any rate, I kinda dig it. The itty vase has flowers from this reeaaaaaly good smelling bush that grows next to my porch, it smells a lot like jasmine. And Annie is totally going to have her friends over for tea and a Doctor Who viewing, so we can get all Anglophile like up in here. Which brings me to one of my fave Britishers, Miss T. We chat usually at least once a week, tell each other our bidness, and generally have a good time. And she is nursing a nasty treadmill injury right now, so I hope the following cheers her up.

There ya go, Miss T. I know this pic looks photo-shopped, but those are the actual things she sent me for my birthday. Ya gotta wonder, who sees fake moustaches! and thinks of me, but heck, we had a lot of fun with them. Al's is creepily the same color as her hair, and she totally looks like a dude. And we were trying to look all serious on purpose. I think Annie looks like Super Mario or something.

Another part of the Miss T presents, the beloved Chunky Kit Kats. Our store recently stopped carrying these (and ours weren't even these bountiful "duo" types) and Terry had a big time sad going on. But now we have actual British ones, and peanut butter even!! That's Al's hand trying to creep in and make off with the goodness. I'm sharing though, even though Miss T said I didn't have to.

My mugwort and liverwort, but the blooms didn't show up so well in this pic. I totally got these plants because I thought they sounded like something Harry and Hermione would have to hunt up for potions. And they grow in the shade, which we happen to have quite a bit of in Michigan.

A random pic of Ghost that I found on the camera. I'm thinking this was camera shenanigans while I was at work, evidently he had wedged himself into the lowest shelf of Annie's bookshelves, and Al and Annie thought it was like the funniest. thing. ever. because they took like eight pictures of the event. He looks like he's saying, "Seriously?"
GREAT pics! I loved the mustachio'd ones the best. And, I'm envious about your large kit-kats. Wooly would sell one of my arms for one of those.
Your cat, Ghost, looks exactly like my Snowy. He also likes to hide on a shelf in a closet. He even gets stuck in there when we don't see him and close the doors. He doesn't seem to figure it out to not get caught.
Maybe it's because he has a brain the size of a walnut. :)
You're right, the mustache on Terry totally looks fake!
that post is Terry trying to be funny, ha ha. The deleted one is where he used the wrong "Your" and then called me from work to make me delete it so people wouldn't think he was a stoopidhead, which I have immediately negated by telling what the deleted comment was in the first place. :)
That's what she wan't you to think... ;)
Drunk comments in da houuuuuse!!!!
You guys crack me up and let me just say that Annie totally knows how to rock da 'stache!
Totally jealous of the chunky Kit Kats! I've never seen such!
We gots to get togedder and chat soon, puuhleazzzee??!
Your cat, Ghost, looks exactly like my SnowyMe too Jenn, I had a white cat called snowy.
LOL Carrie, the mistachioed family. I just showed your pic to my mum. Wanna know what she said? "That's great, has she seen a picture of you?" To which I replied, of course and mum said "what, and she's still talking to you". Har bloody har.
I'm glad you all loved the kitkats. World peace through kitkats eh?
I love the way you construct your pic diaries.
Oh, in regards to the novel thing.
I have sent dozens, maybe a hundred submissions to various publishers and nada.
If you want to see me with stuff out there, I guess you could try and convince some publishing house or comics company that you would, indeed, spend $5 on my work....
Hey Carrie! I finally got by here! The tea service is real nice. I love the fake mustaches too! OMG Al looks just like Bo Byce from American Idol for real! Real cute pic of ghost. You guys should have been drinking from the tea service with the fake mustaches, then you would have look like people on the Titanic :) Thanks to the ones that stopped by my place and checked out Carrie's Birthday post.
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