Terry did a great grand weeding of the corner of the yard where we have tulips and lilies and other low maintenance things, and he transplanted some of the lilies to a different planter. I don't know if the sun was in her eyes, or if Annie is just skeptical at their odds of survival. And Terry just came in from watering them and confirmed that statistic, they are looking pretty droopy. Evidently when you transplant something you're supposed to water it every day, go figure.
Alyson doing what appears to be work, but don't be fooled. That's the corner thing there, I bought some wildflower seed thing to spread out in that area, hoping that the weeds I actually bought for there will help choke out the weeds I don't want there. Wildflowers are at least pretty weeds, and not just boring overgrown grass.

We had a Memorial Day cookout like we usually do, and our friend Tim opted to be the entertainment this year. He's one of those long haired types, but the hair on top has been steadily disappearing, thus he's kind of been working a "skullet" type hairdo more and more lately. Plus he's in a weight loss competition, and it's getting to the end, so of course getting rid of hair (and going on an all ice cream diet when you're lactose intolerant--thankfully we haven't seen him since he entered that part of his plan) will make the difference. Tim is veeeeery competitive.

Back view of long-haired hippie type freak. Well maybe not so much hippie, because they are all stoned and peace loving. Tim, not so much with the peace loving. :)

Tim's lovely girlfriend Amy doing the honors. She had never done such a thing before, but I think she did an admirable job. I probably would have cut his ears off or something like that.

We get this look from Tim a lot, usually followed by the sentence "God, you're such an idiot," or some other loving phrase.

The results of the near scalping. We kind of think it looks like a dead rat, or maybe something you would pull out of sewer grate, which yeah, could be a dead rat.

After. See, this guy doesn't so much look like a serial killer, and small children may no longer cry at his approach. Now we just have to do something about the scraggly little Satan beard.

Al has been dissecting a cat for her Biology class, a task she has taken great relish in, she likes to come home and tell us the ooky details, preferably while we are eating something. One of the cats in the class (not hers) was pregnant, and the people who were working on it were too squicked out to extract the fetuses, so she did it and of course had to pop one in a jar and take it home. She said it's little face is kinda cute but now it's all curled up so you can't see so much. I thought it was wild that it has those itty claws. And of course we sat around trying to think of a name, and we settled on BANDIT. You know, cuz that's such a cool name, for like, an animal. Not a human being. And not if it's a girl. ( That's sort of an in joke to my fellow MCR fans, well not so much fans in some instances, but just people that know about stuff like Gerard Way naming his kid something strange) But the best part is that this little cat fetus can't poop on my bed like SOME feline in my house did, but that's a story for another time.
YUCKY on the cat. I'm glad I never had to do that at school.
Tim looks much better without the ponytail. His girlfriend did a great job.
Woh. Dead kitty!
Oh my goodness, I've been so busy. Why Sheila story is taking absolutely forever. Hoping to wrap it up in the next week or so.
Also, going to be a vendor at Mayhem Festival. So that's been driving me crazy.
How's your summer going?
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