Um, yeah, okay, that whole creepy countdown kinda turned into a bust. Started feeling like a job y'all, and I already have one of those. Or two if you count cleaning up after my horde. So you will just have to wait for some other time to see my zombie snail and the Bride doll my mom had when she was young.
Al's pumpking this year. I actually bought not one, but two four packs of this overpriced crap, but the second one was kind of by accident because the HBO online store SUCKS and I totally thought my first order hadn't gone through, and then I didn't know how to cancel the second one. It's a "lightly carbonated blood orange soda," but I just wanted the dang bottles, they look cool.

Annie's pumpkin, it's supposed to be sort of a smiley face vampire thingy. We were kinda going with a fanged up theme this year. At least there's no Twilight claptrap going on, it could have been worse.

My out of focus pumpkin, I really need to start checking behind Terry. It's the logo of the Vampire bar on True Blood. And I had to use toothpicks and stuff to get the middle of some of the letters, it was all high tech, lemme tell you. And it's actually the only pumpkin survivor on the porch right now, evidently a murder of crows attacked the other two the next morning. Stupid peckers. It's usually the squirrels, but I guess they are too busy burying big ass nuts in our front yard and making it looks like some sorta squirrel war zone, complete with foxholes. Or squirrel holes, whatever, they are digging big huge trenches in our yard, and I do not find them cute anymore.

Annie rocking the geisha look, you can't see her poor ear stuffed full of cotton, she was diagnosed with a big fat ear infection just the day before. and yeah, we were kinda lazy on the makeup, and her head is bigger than I thought, I should have gotten an adult size wig instead of the kiddy one. It was an extremely breezy and cold night anyway, so she ended up rocking the Arctic Geisha look with her winter coat on before the night was through. And I think the whole braces thing made for a lackluster Halloween too, Terry said she would go up to some house and come back with a bunch of chewy candy she can't have, and she would be all "Guhreat, that was a bust!"

Yes, Miss T, I didn't wait for Christmas! And furthermore, you little minx, you must have anticipated my non waitingness, because who gives somebody jack o' lantern candles for Christmas? We enjoyed watching these little guys burn down while we checked out some old school horror movies and introduced the girls to a guy named Freddy Krueger.

My Sunday afternoon view. I got home from work and took a nap and these guys piled on me. At least I was warm.
Once again I salute your pumpkin carving skills.
And yes, I kinda figured that pressies wouldn't be left unopened so I included some stuff you could be using if you wanted to.
You haven't scoffed the others have you? hee hee!
I did LOL at your underestimation of Annie's head size. I'd never have that problem with my little tiddler ( yes, I'm still talking heads here hahaha!).
It all looks great as usual. great pics, thanks for sharing.
Nice job on the pumpkins.
Because I had to work the week before Halloween and the boy was so sick, I would go from home, to work, to home, to work, to home.
We never got our pumpkins.
When I tried to get a pumpkin or two to carve, the only ones left were the really expensive white ones.
So we bagged it this year.
It was the first time in I don't know how long that we didn't have a carved pumpkin on the front steps.
It was kinda sad.
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