Sunday, November 29, 2009

Holy Giant Gobbler, Batman!

This is what a 30 pound turkey looks like. That's not a munchkin oven or anything, it's a regular ole human sized one. Looks sort of like an ostrich, no? Normally I feel all bad about eating something that I've seen run around and such, but dang, dude was TASTY. I haven't had "real" turkey that hasn't been injected with that "15% solution of whatever salty crap to enhance freshness and add a bunch of weight so we can charge you more for a smaller bird" in probably, oh, 30 years or so. It was too much for Annie's dead tastebuds though, she liked the turkey dinner at school for a change, so she was all excited. She took one bite, and said, "Whoa, that is just too much in your face TURKEY taste for me," and just ate her rolls and corn instead. Philistine.

Patti likes to take pictures, lots and lots of pictures, of kids in various poses, to show how much they have grown each year. Well, this year she had an actual purpose for taking the pictures, which can't be divulged but thank goodness some grandparents are deaf because Al was hollering it all over the place. I don't think this one will be used though. Patrick is giving an editorial comment on the whole process, I believe.

These cats were making a cute salt and pepper fuzzy heart until we tried to take a picture, at which point Ghost was possessed with the urge to start licking Itty on the head, but that's still cute too. They have taken to laying on the back of the loveseat together, right by the door, so I can yell "Salt n' peppa, Spice Cats!" and hug them and squish them together when I get home from work. I guess it's good that I don't work EVERY day, I'm thinking they would tire of that rather quickly.

Itty is a star diva cat, and don't you forget it. Either that or she was just trolling around in the basement like she does and accidentally got a glow in the dark star sticker stuck to her tail.
Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. Mine was okay, kinda meh what with the missing of the Dad and getting ill with the Squanto's revenge or whatever. Yeah, yeah, it probably wasn't Squanto at the Thanksgiving feast, I'm too lazy to google right now. I am still coughing and now am sporting my own cotton ball stuffed ear like Annie did at Halloween. Stay healthy, peeps.


MissTottenham said...

Sounds like you had a lovely thanksgiving.

The turkey description is making me drool.

Get well soon sweetie. xxx

Welsh anon said...

Prynhawn da.

Cyfarchion i chi a'ch teulu o Gymru.

Hi there Carrie. Thank you for your concern about my sister. Yes, she's having a really hard time at the moment, but I'm pleased to say that she felt a bit better over the weekend. She's finished her chemotherapy and will be starting her radiotherapy sessions tomorrow.

Ha ha, so it was your husband who was pooed on by a seagull! Damn I hate seagulls, in fact I hate all birds, frightened to death of them actually.

I have to say I do miss seeing everyone over at Mayo's. I was reading some of the old blogs and everyone was having such a blast. It seems such a shame. Damn I should have joined in earlier but I'm so painfully shy that I didn't think I would ever fit in. Never mind, I was there in spirit!

Thank you again for your concern Carrie.

Jennicula said...

(comes in wearing a surgical mask)

hooph you feep etter

(Lysols her way back out)


MissTottenham said...

Hiya Carrie sweetie, my sis had a lovely evening on her birthday as we had fish and chips for tea, it's her fave. She has to have scraps too or we never here the end of it. Ask Welsh anon about scraps, she'll tell ya.