Thursday, January 17, 2013


I present to you, my guts.  I had to go for my endoscope thing this morning, bright and early.  It was a really nifty place, my favorite part was the little hideaway toilet in the room, I want me one in my own room for when I'm feeling lazy and don't want to be bothered to walk down the hall in the middle of the night to go pee.  At any rate, it didn't take long and I don't really remember the exam, I barely had time to register "wheeee, sedation," and then next thing I knew I was looking at Terry and people were telling me things and I had not the foggiest notion of what was going on.


 These are pictures of various parts of my upper insides.  I'm not dying or anything,(well, maybe, I guess they took some biopsies and such and I have to get results from that)  but evidently that whole hey, I kinda feel like I'm choking on my food thing wasn't totally in my head, because I have a mild stricture or some such, but they dilated it with a 18mm balloon.  So consequentially I had to have a soft diet for the rest of the day, but my almost rest of the day was spent sleeping and having weird ass dreams.  Whatever they gave me knocked me the hell OUT.  I still feel kinda woozy, so give me a pass if this stuff doesn't make much sense.
My dinner, courtesy of the deli, sorry hot food side working people, that Terry came by and bought most of your sides.  It was mostly for him and Annie because I didn't have that much of it, he was just using me as an excuse.  I don't think the medical people really needed to tell me to stick to a soft diet, I think one bite of say, a Dorito taco or something, and I would have figured that out for myself,  I can now pinpoint the exact second food or water traverses the top of my esophagus, ow.
The note Annie left me this morning, it shows how deeply she cares.  Also, I think the "getting" looks more like "gutting," and that was apropos to the situation.
A hard day of sleeping deserves a bubble bath, and bonus, no leaky into the kitchen!  And Terry is gone to get me some ice cream.  Kudos to the my boss for giving me tomorrow off too, she's smarter than I am.


resurrected wreck said...

Loved the note! Hope your soft food & bubble bath help you feel better :)

MissTottenham said...

Nice pics. Must be weird to see your own insides.

I remember when my dad had to have a camera down his throat to check out some polyps. My Uncle had recently had to have some polyps checked with a camera up the opposite end (up his bum, ahem). My dad kept saying, I just hope they don't use the same camera LOL.

Jennicula said...

Aren't kids great sympathizers?

I guess it could have been worse, they could've gone up the bum instead of down the throat.

Hope you're feeling better soon.

HA! Miss T, you're funny!

MissTottenham said...

Hiya Jenn. Could have been worse, they could've gone up the bum and down the throat and met in the middle.

Hiya Carrie, hope you are feeling better and not so tired. I'd play on it though and get everyone else to do everything for you.