Friday, March 8, 2013

Pod People, and a tasty snack

These nuts, they are all kinda wrong.  I think my about to have my period pheremones sniffed these suckers out from, like, across the store.  Evil, pure evil.'
FLOWERS. From a kid.  Who doesn't even live here and is not even apologizing for some heinous thing that has happened.  Okay, they may have been prompted an itty bit by me drunk dialing her on Saturday to admit that I missed her.  I do! Everyone else in this house has shitty taste in tv shows.  I have to watch my favorites all alone like now!  Her Dad misses her too, he even took her out to lunch today and bought her an overpriced sammich.
But, she still manages to make her mark.  She stopped by earlier this week, and ate one of Annie's cupcakes, (I just call them hers, because, yeah, not a huge fan of cupcakes, so she is generally the cupcake consumer around here)  and decided to tell Annie that she did that, on the board we keep on the fridge.  And she used a PERMANENT marker, not so much the dry erase one.  Annie? Not amused.  We can probably get it off with nail polish remover or some such, haven't tried yet.  Oh, and the heinousness wasn't realized until the next day, and Annie had wrote something about her dreams, and it made me laugh even harder, because then it looked like Al was commenting that she had ate one of Annie's dreams.  I tried to take a pic, but it was all fuzzy, I'm not a good photog, even with today's Jetson's cameras.
Our itty French chef at work.  This school week was all kind of messed up due to standardized testing, so she had Tuesday off and was over at a friend's house, who made crepe batter because she's just that much of an overachiever.  Annie brought it home, for to impress us.
Which she did, because these were some damn tasty crepes.  I did come up with the idea of melting Nutella and thowing some strawberries on 'em, so I take partial credit.  In all honesty, I am in awe of the women my baby girls are becoming.  Sometimes getting older doesn't suck quite as bad.


MissTottenham said...

I'm drooling, they look good crepes.