Yeah, I'm kinda bored on a Sunday night, so a bonus blog entry. Not that I have a schedule or anything, but I had extra pics I haven't foisted upon you guys.
The sign says Happy Halloween in case you can't make it out. I think the mean looking one with the eyebrows is modeled after me. Annie sees that look a lot when I walk by and see the trashpile that is her room.

Devil Dog. He's supposed to be menacing, but um, I think he's kinda cute. I especially like his little tail action he has going on. Annie is going to be a Devil for Halloween, and we're mostly making the costume. Yeah, you know you guys are gonna be forced to look at that. Wait? Where are you going?

Hi, it's Al, and before I say anything about this monstrosity I have created I must rejoice for I am on the interwebs, oh sweet interwebs...Okay, I'm done now. So...Yeah, this didn't work out so well, his head was once attached to his body, but then there was a drunken accident so I had to resort to a toothpick...And now I know that I can't make things out of clay...But I kick total and complete ass if you hand me a couple two-by-fours and a third rate drill. Anyway, I'm done now, mom thinks I'm milking internet time, which by the way, I totally am. Kthanxbai.

Milliseconds after the last pic was taken, the stress was too much. And now it looks like a poor drunk Zombie headless clown. Hey! That would be a good band name! Also, we take the internet away when kids are evil and doing things they shouldn't. That and tv are the only things they care about.

That's a poor innocent dove feather stuck to the left side of his mouth, well, his right, but left in the picture. At least we can now definitively tell the kittens apart. This is Killer George, and the other one we have christened Chicken George, because, well, she runs away (and I'm being totally assumy with the sexes at this point, based on my background of gender stereotyping) everytime we look at her hard. Plus, she and Ghost spend an awful lot of time each night pawing at the glass that separates them like tragic separated lovers.
First I must protest that I never get picture credits! I deserve my props don't you think? Second, it is quite obvious I have über talented kids ;) That and $2.50 will buy them a coke! Which is more than my 401K will (don't laugh, that last comment is not really a joke.)
Okay, that does it! Smoke and I have got to get some clay and start creating. TISNF! First camp that I never got to go to and now making super cool stuffs with clay.
Can you guys adopt me?
Carrie? T-bone? Anyone?
Totally, but you have to follow the rules and scoop the cat poop without rolling your eyes.
More cool models. you guys should go into business making those figures that go on top of cakes.
Just remember to make them out of icing and not plastecine hahaha!
Mind you, i ate enough of that when i was a kid and I'm OK.
I'm not so sure though.
Glad to hear that the life on mars wasn't butchered.
Still, can't be as good as ours though hee hee!
Hey Carrie! Thanks for the comment on my blog. Yep, you found me. :) I love the models, especially the Drunken Zombie Clown. (That would be a good name for a rock band, don't you think?) The others are great too. Surely you don't look like that when you are trying to get her to clean her room, right? :)
When I was a nanny, one of the kids was in time out upstairs in her room at lunch because she had been fighting with her siblings. I gave her a sandwich and some chips and told her to eat them at her art table. She came back down about 3 minutes later with an empty plate and put it on the counter. I never even stopped what I was doing, just said to her "Oh, by the way, when you come back down in 30 minutes, please fish that sandwich out of the trash and bring it down too." She stopped on the stairs, came back down, and looked at me. Finally she said...
"How did you KNOW that?!"
I told her I just did, because I was a nanny and we knew those things.
She never did it again.
I love the minds of kids!
The kitty is cute (well, minus the dove feather!) I like the names too.
Good to see you around, take care and I'll talk to you later!
Thank you once again for your wonderful pictures.
I'm having a very rare, anger-filled blah kind of day and they really helped to cheer me up.
Especially the zombie clown.
Nick Park doesn't hold a candle to you. Good work.
OMG I love Wallace and Grommit. Hey GS! Thanks you for stopping by!
Get well soon carrie sweetie.
Don't barf too much.
You gotta love the zombie clown!
Although, the devil dog kinda reminds me of Pokey gone evil.
Snog snog sweetie.
Don't you puke on me.
Carrie, You and your 2 offspring never cease to amaze me with your talent. Al and Annie are totally down with the whole clay sculpture thing. Kudos to T-Bone for the pictures :) Hope U R All better soon Carrie! Hey don't forget to check out my place. I did a special one just for Hannah. I use my kids as blog posts too! :)
she's convinced everyone in Great Britain has a direct line to Doctor Who.
We do.
And we're all related to the Queen ^_^
Take care poppet. x
WTH happened? O_o
Hope you are doing okay!
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