My baby left for camp this morning, just for two days, but it's more than an hour away! She is super excited, but peeved that she didn't get put in the "haunted" cabin. Seems there's some story about how the lake the camp is on used to not be there, and there were train tracks running there instead, and some dog got hit on the tracks and now haaauuuuuuunnnts the camp, or more like one girl's cabin. And you can supposedly still see the tracks in the lake, which um, doesn't seem feasible, but hey, kids and their stories. I did make the mistake of going to the library yesterday and getting her some books about The Roanoke Colony, because she has to do a real life mystery for her next book report and I told her about that and she was all intrigued. In retrospect, probably not the best reading material for an itty girl the night before she heads off to camp in the woods for the first time. Hopefully the Croatoan will leave her alone, and instead her days will be filled with fun and perhaps spotting more exotic wildlife than what's on tap around here.

The ever elusive tree cat. They were all actually up in there, chasing each other around like squirrels.

Cat food snarfin' possum. Passably cute only because you can't see the hideous rat-like tail.
Miss T, I lit a candle for Laura today. My continued condolences to her family.
Your baby is so cute and by baby I mean your daughter, not the possum. If you had caught the rat- like tail in the pic, I would have ran out your blog screaming like the little scaredy bitch that I am.
Happy Jack White Day! And Smoke should scroll down for a surprise in my blog. :)
Wow, aniie is going to camp. I wish her allt he best and i know she will have a good time :)
Your question, well my answer is:
If indeed i have nice and shiney hair, it would because i wash my hair every 2 days with shampoo and conditioner but sadly, it is not that nice. I need it cutting :(
Hey Carrie! That's a very cute pic of Annie. I hope she'll have fun at camp and not be spooked too much. As for the possum, I could have done without that particular pic. EEEEWWWW! It does help that you did'nt get the tail though! I think they are just creepy creatures. The tree cat looks like he is actually part of the tree. :)
Great pics carrie sweetie.
Aw bless, I hope Annie has a great time at camp. She'll be just fine.
Thanks so much for the candle for Laura sweetie. I hope the funeral wasn't too bad on her family.
Talk to you soon xxxxx
LOL carrie, I saw your little tribute to me at mayos.
Ghandi like. I hope you don't mean I like to wear nappies.
Ha! No nappies! And I doubt he was rockin' the deep dish Pizza Hut either. :)
Welcome Home! Can't wait to hear all about camp. Was it super duper creepy scary?
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