There was about a foot of snow sitting on the ground until yesterday, when the annual February thaw came to Michigan to taunt us. See, the noobs here are all excited and think that spring has come, but the rest of us know this is a cruel bait and switch trick, and we will probably have freezing rain before the week is out. But for now, grass!! Dead, nasty looking grass, to be sure, but at least it was still under there.

Earlier in the week, Annie had to cheer at her last basketball game of the season. It was at this GINORMOUS sports place I had never seen the like of. There were eight full size basketball courts, all separated by little mesh things, plus all sorts of different rooms and things where assorted activities were taking place. We sat up on the balcony, you can see how ant-like the kids looked from up there. The game was a heart breaker, we lost by two points.

The Hello cheer. I wanted the Pom Pom routine, but nooooooo, the first time they were supposed to do it, three or four girls were out sick, and then last week they didn't have practice. So now they are adding two more practices to the year and doing it at some tournament thingy that they usually don't cheer at, which I will now to forced to attend if I want to see Annie shake her groove thing to Rock This Town.
Hey Carrie! It's funny how you're happy to see the snow leaving, and I'd like to see some here down South in VA. For the record our grass is all ugly and dead here too, and we haven't had any snow. That sure is a enormously huge sports center. I've never seen a place that held 8 basketball courts,WOW!
We still have snow and spooky horror film fog too.
Whooooooooo *that was supposed to be a spooky sound*
Go Annie, Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yay, Annie ! Hay, how come there is no video ?
Yeah, why no video of our cheerleader?
Oh, want me to tell you what the temperature was today?
I broke a sweat.
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