See, I told y'all. Michigan is cruel, cruel I tell you!! We had three days of warm(ish) weather, and now it's back to the icebox. Snow is nice and all, I get you Southerners missing it, but dang, we've had a cumulative total of 65 inches or so of snow this winter, and I for one, am SICK of it. I'm ready for the mud season.

Annie thinks this convo heart looks like it says "Sugar Die." That's what I felt like I was going to do yesterday. The family Valentine's curse visited itself upon me this year, with a vengeance. Someone in our family always gets deathly ill this time each year. I think Al only went to one or two of her Valentine's Day parties in elementary school because she was usually busy hurling. Last year, it was Terry's turn, he called me from work whimpering, and we knew it had come again, this time for the adults. Although yesterday was technically the 13th, so maybe that will break it? All I know is Annie better watch her back next year.
Die sugar, Die! LOL
You get well soon sweetie.
See ya when I get back.
Yeah, about the snow, you people seem to be getting it all and not saving any for us down here. Too much of anything is a waste, right? :)
I simply adore the heart candy "Sugar Die" but I hate that you got sick :(. Hope you're much better.
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