In case you guys have old eyes like I do, that's a nifty thing my friend Lea made me a few years back with the sentiment "Old Friendships are the Dearest." Old Friendships also mean you have a ton of dirt on the person, and some cool old pics.

In case you guys have old eyes like I do, that's a nifty thing my friend Lea made me a few years back with the sentiment "Old Friendships are the Dearest." Old Friendships also mean you have a ton of dirt on the person, and some cool old pics.
Posted by Carrie at 8:45 PM 5 comments
met the greatest earthquake ever known! High on the rapids, that tossed their tiny raft, (Augggghhhhhhhhhhhhh) and plunged them down, a thousand feet beloooow. You know where, folks, to the Land of the Lost. Or at least you know if you grew up in the 70's. This is my way roundabout way of saying that we went to this coolish store in town yesterday and stumbled upon the fun that is the "Dinosaur Plant." We were all "oh, cool, this would make a great stocking stuffer for Annie," but then when we got home Terry decided that he had in fact bought it for himself. So, prepared to be AWED, mayhap AMAZED. Fresh out of the box, dunked a couple of times, and placed in some water on its bed of authentic New Mexico lava rocks. Okay, yeah, they are probably the exact same kind that you put in gas grills, but that doesn't sound as impressive, or as prehistoric.
Posted by Carrie at 12:33 PM 5 comments
Dudes, it's been pouring down rain here for the last two days, and we're all starting to get a bit stir crazy. Annie most of all, mind you, since she usually like, goes outside and stuff. Today she used up the rest of her book cover stash in a creative way. For your enjoyment, I present, The Pet Patrol! Super Max, the leader of the Pet Patrol. He has super strength and hearing, a sonic bark, and he can fly. He is most courageous (he's a Big Brave Dog) and he seeks injustice wherever he goes so he may correct it.
Miss Mysterious, she can do magic spells, teleport, and she also has the nifty talent of telekinesis. Okay, Annie said "levitate things" but I took liberties.
Posted by Carrie at 8:55 PM 10 comments
They say if you start feeding an outside animal it's yours, so for your viewing pleasure, my outdoor cats, also known as strays that I feed cuz they are cute. I originally saw Mama Cat probably a month and a half or so ago, eating Taco Dorito crumbs that I had left out for the birds, and it made me hurt in that place where my heart should be, so I started leaving cat food out for her. And then one day, she had a kitten with her, and the next day, another. And then the neighbor said she was pretty sure there were four kittens altogether. I think one was on the runty side and didn't make it though. :( But she was keeping that third one up her sleeve (or the cat equivalent) for a good long while, so who knows? Mama Cat with George and George. We didn't know there were two little pinto, or piebald, or whatever the hell you call that coloring until a couple days ago. I thought she was down to two kittens from an original total of four. The name George is from that old cartoon with the Abominable Snowman, "I will hug him and squeeze him..." because that's what I want to do with that little kitty. Lookit the little black tail!!!
Posted by Carrie at 10:23 AM 4 comments
Posted by Carrie at 8:40 PM 5 comments
See that boring pic of a Stop sign there? Somebody spray painted "Hammer Time" on it over the weekend, which I know is an old joke but I still found it mildly amusing. Not so amusing is that I suspect the new neighbors? squatters? I still haven't figured out what's going on over at that house--it clearly has a for sale sign up, yet there is a neverending changing cast of shady looking people who all have different cars and different squalling kids and the yard hasn't been mown in about two weeks and I think they may have lost one of those said squalling kids in the jungle in the back. Anyway, I suspect their kith or kin of the mildly amusing vandalism, but that's neither here nor there. I was finally going to take a pic of the sign when I got back from picking up Annie at school, as I noticed it for the forty leventh time as I was driving past. When I got back I sent my roving photographer Al out to get a pic, and above, the evidence of denial. Yeah, it's been kind of a slow week around here. I guess I'll have to wait and see what they have cooked up for the weekend. Just keep it out of my yard, folks, I am old and crotchedy and will call the police on your asses.
Posted by Carrie at 3:34 PM 1 comments
Back at the beginning of the summer, our ice maker broke. After buying countless bags of ice, we came to the novel conclusion that perhaps we should invest in some ice trays and make "homemade" ice (Annie's words, not mine). We didn't need the ice holder thingy because we already had a big one in our freezer, and Al was all huh, it would be cool to fill that up and make a big block of ice. So we did, and it sat there alllll summer long, taking up room in my freezer and generally pissing me off. So on this, the last official day of summer vacation, we finally got out that perennial favorite toy, the big ice block. We spare no expense around here to please our children. Now they actually want to make the big Labor Day iceblock a tradition. I just think maybe it doesn't need allll summer long to freeze.My daughter does have two legs, that's just a weird angle. I tried to do that and almost froze my foot off, that thing was cooooold. I know, who would have thought, ice being cold.
Posted by Carrie at 7:24 PM 3 comments