In case you guys have old eyes like I do, that's a nifty thing my friend Lea made me a few years back with the sentiment "Old Friendships are the Dearest." Old Friendships also mean you have a ton of dirt on the person, and some cool old pics.

Here we are, ready for some skating action! Check out her perfect hair, she is still a whiz with a curling iron. I could have sworn I had a bandanna wrapped around my thigh in this pic. Time has made things hazy. Lemme see, I reckon this picture is about 25 years old. And yet, our friendship perseveres, through dead gay ex boyfriend stealings, college going to, marriages (just to clarify, that would be one apiece for us), children, and the day to day doldrums of being the only person in the house with a brain in their head. (Or at least it seems like that somedays) I know you will always be there for me, and I hope you know I will always be here for you, ready to bitch about cleaning, talk about tv, or what keeps us up at night. Happy Birthday, Lea, I love you. Also, the second half of your birthday present is I won't post a pic of what we look like now. You're welcome. :)
"Happy B-Day to Me! :) Thanks Carrie! You still are and always will be my dearest friend for life! I had almost forgotten about that picture of you in the Hank Williams Jr. Tee, and me with that ridiculous looking hair that could pass for a wig. HA!HA! U got me! I can't believe how time flies. Thanks too for the 2nd part of my present. Can't wait to check the mail today :) I Love Ya! Thanks for my 15 minutes of fame today, cuz it makes me feel all special. Yeaness to Carrie!
Happy Birthday Lea.
Check out the hair, check out the hair.
You guys crack me up.
80's rule.
Psst.. I meant to say this the other night.
You was HAWT in the 80's. Speaking of being bi..!
Thank you, Carrie. For all that you've said. I do see it and I appreciate it.
Bocephus, eh? ^_~
Happy belated birthday!
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