met the greatest earthquake ever known! High on the rapids, that tossed their tiny raft, (Augggghhhhhhhhhhhhh) and plunged them down, a thousand feet beloooow. You know where, folks, to the Land of the Lost. Or at least you know if you grew up in the 70's. This is my way roundabout way of saying that we went to this coolish store in town yesterday and stumbled upon the fun that is the "Dinosaur Plant." We were all "oh, cool, this would make a great stocking stuffer for Annie," but then when we got home Terry decided that he had in fact bought it for himself. So, prepared to be AWED, mayhap AMAZED. Fresh out of the box, dunked a couple of times, and placed in some water on its bed of authentic New Mexico lava rocks. Okay, yeah, they are probably the exact same kind that you put in gas grills, but that doesn't sound as impressive, or as prehistoric.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Marshall, Will, and Holly, on a routine expedition...
Posted by Carrie at 12:33 PM
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If anyone is interested in seeing the full time lapse, just let me know and I can send it to you ;)
"Oh My God Chunky!" "I want me one!" That is one of the coolest plants I've seen. You know,it WOULD make a great Christmas gift.(HINT, HINT) :)
That is cool.
The plant that comes back to life, would that not be a zombie plant?
It probably likes bratwurst and headcheese too.
I see the zombie plant and I'm now slowly backing away.
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