We are a weird family, that I do not deny. Some days, we are weirder than others. We had hot dogs for dinner tonight, and being from the South, I don't eat my hotdogs without slaw, because that would be going against whatever God you have. Trust me, if Buddha or whoever was into hotdogs, the word would be to put slaw on that puppy. Okay, to make slaw, you need cabbage, which led me to buy the cutest little cabbage ever today, it was so teeny. I made the mistake of peeling the outer leaves off and turning around and making them talk, because I am weird like that, and Al immediately fell in love with a veggie. One Sharpie session later, we ended up with this. I think the name she and Annie settled on was Earlfred. (One wanted Fred, one wanted Earl, it was how I kept the peace) And I think Al looks creepy and pretty in this pic all at the same time. Oh Miss T, here is what your begging gets you. Schmexy, no? I will be amazed if I can get to sleep tonight so they can record my snoring. It's a pressure thing, thank goodness, not an actual microphone, so it doesn't matter I had beans with dinnner.
And I typed this whole thing with that stupid thing on my finger, the very nice person at the sleep center told me to put the rig on an hour before I was going to bed so I could get used to it. Um yeah, not so much. The things up my nose aren't bothering me so much, but these tubes over my ears are (shout out to Miss T) getting on my tits.
Getting on my tits. I love that. :)
So, you know I'm a Southern girl and I hate slaw on my hot dog? Yep. Will not ever. No way, no how. Never ever. Ever. I do like slaw just it has to be on the plate by itself. I'm weird.
And for the record I do not have monkey arms! No matter what my sister told you. She's just mad cuz I can reach shit on the top shelf and she can't. She's a total hobbit. Hairy feet? Oh yeah. She's got them.
I'll see if I can get a pic of the. Muwahaha. Take that Solly!
As you can plainly read, Carrie, Smoke is out of her mind. Not putting slaw on hot dogs is some kind of sin, she also doesn't do relish, or sauerkraut (that is spelled so wrong, I'm sure, did I mention that Jules and I figured out that sauerkraut smells like a dead rat decaying when we were in Disney? Troofax!)
And I don't know what record Smoke is talking about but she does have monkey arms. Picture it in your head, we are both standing flat footed and she can magically reach something on the ceiling, it's like go-go gadget arms or something.
And yes, I'm a hobbit, but at least I acknowledge. Hairy feet? Not as hairy as Smoke's arms! Buwahhahahahahahhahahahha!
Take that, Smoke!
Carrie, Congrats on the job! I hope you enjoy it!
And for goodness sakes, please take off that mind control device. Who knows what crazy things they are going to try and make you do.
Sleep doo-dad, snore thing, my ass.
Congrats on the job sweetie. I'm so chuffed for you.
Thanks also for the pics, you look adorable. That get up is so fetching, it'll be all the rage soon. I hope it didn't get on your tits too much hahahaha!
I am a bit bummed that it wasn't a big collander contraption with hunderds of wires that you had to wear. That would have been so cool though kinda hard to sleep in. I must admit that is what I had pitured.
I hope the results prove that you are not mad, you just have borderline psychotic tendnacies hahaha!
Hey You! I also like slaw on my hot dogs, but is it really because we're from the south? It is a cute pic of Al. I think your pic on the other hand is,is,um, a little creepy. You look like you were strapped down to a hospital bed or in a sleep clinic and you just escaped or something! :) I am soo surprised that you were able to sleep. That thing would have bugged the piss out of me. Getting on my tits? Never heard that one-it's a keeper. Thanks to Miss T. Congrats on the job Carrie, I hope it will be a lot of fun.
Oh gosh, look at you all tubed up! O_O Looks, uhh, comfy.
Don't you hate seeing things out in the cold? Kittens, spiders or anything.
Carrie sweetie, I'm kinda glad it came back positive cos now you can find out what it is. And now you are off to the sleep clinic, you will get you own collander hee hee!
Lea, thanks for the shout out for the saying. Carrie can pass on my tasteful British sayings and feel free to use them as you see fit.
I'd like to suggest a minute's silence for the loss of Ghost's balls.
LOL carrie and thanks sweetie.
You know, I will just piss myself laughing if Terry gives you a pair of fluffy earrings for crimbo.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah That would be too much. In fact, I might be in danger of dying laughing.
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