Annie and her friend K, all dressed up for trick or treating. They cracked me up with their theme. I was almost disappointed that it wasn't cold here. Annie was all concerned that she would have to wear a coat over her costume, but I told her if she did, she could just tell everyone that Hell froze over.

And now, they appear to be flashing gang signs.

I totally love the Mr. Potato Head, Halloween version. He has fangs and ears and other accesories, but the Ghost sheet just sends me into paroxyms of laughter. And yeah, that's a Spike mug, as in Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, behind him. I also have a Spike tag on my keychain, and a William the Bloody Awful Poet mug floating around here too. What can I say? I was a little ate up with that in the day. Um, there's still posters in my basement. Yes, I am approximately 13.

My Jack Skellington pumpkin. He was pretty easy, but I thought he turned out pretty cute.

OMG, these dang eye things. I saw them in a magazine and thought How Cute! How Easy! First we had to search through the store for the dang lights, and then all the other crap to make them. We put them up in the window with packing tape, per the instructions, and it actually looked way cool for five minutes, and then they stopped working. (Of course, we took no pic in those five minutes) Terry ripped them down, got out his voltmeter and other complicated crap, and yeah, bad batteries, bad bulbs, these babies were cursed. We used ONE of them on Halloween night, I threw it into the big tub o' candy as it managed to light up for maybe 10 minutes? Am I bitter? Oh yes I am.

This is a big ass pile o' leaves. Evidently she cut a flip the first time she jumped in there, but I missed it. I love Fall soooo much, I just want to squeeze it and feed it soup and stuff.
I love the pumkin and I love Mr potato head and I love the halloween outfits.
Can you feel the love?
"...that Hell froze over."
BWAH!!! Yay!
That makes me so happy.
You have quite the eye for accessories.
Annie was a very cute devil! Hope she had fun and got lots of candy. I have never seen a Mr. Potato head quite like that one b4! It's sooo cute, I want me 1! :) I think Jack Skellington turned out real nice. He was almost as cute as Annie!
Get well soon sweetie
*waves hello to Carrie, Annie, Terry and Al*
An extra special big wave to annie who reads this.
I read them to!
Look at me I'm legit now!
I can't hear to me baby!
sorry, hear that tinny little voice upstairs? That's me hollering for you to come up here. And ha at you getting a blue name, we will have to make Deanna get one too.
Hey carrie, just flew past my place real quick and saw you :)
lovely pictures, annie and k looked great devil and an angel. did you make annies?
I am off to job search today, got a few interviews so i have to turn on the fimmy charm, just need to find out where i do that then lol.
Hope you are family are ok, i see t-bone is in blue
*waves to t-bone)
But you havent got a blog yet, will you be getting one?
ok, cheerios poppets.
Hi Fim! Long time no chat...
This is my blog to you know...I take all of the pictures...She get all the credit.
OMG, those costumes were so cute! :)
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