My youngest turns 11 today, hard to believe, and of course I have to do the obligatory picture thing. It took me a looooong time to decide to have a second child, and Annie made it in just under the wire, because I had declared age 30 as my cut-off point for birthing babies. I think I discovered I was pregnant in March, and my birthday is in April. I'm kinda glad she snuck all in there, life wouldn't be the same without her. That's Al splayed out on the floor behind her, with a daggone dirty sock.

She was pretty much this happy all the time, this chair is one of those vibratey bouncy things, ours had a battery in it so you could be lazy and not even jiggle it with your foot. Which is kind of weird, because aren't you really not supposed to be all shaking babies? At any rate, see how chubby her cheeks are? We could get the vibration just right and watch those babies jiggle like jell-0.

This picture reduced her to tears, Terry was looking at it and said Wow, Annie, you have big eyes! Well, she must have thought that was some kind of disease, because she started crying and was all "I have BIG EYES? I have BIG EYES?!?" Also, I think she kinda looks like one of those poor little sad Russian orphans in this one, or that could just be the crazay 70's style shirt, which could possibly be a hand me down from Lisa's daughter.

And here she is this past summer? spring? OK, it's a recent pic, except obviously before she cut her hair off for Locks of Love. Dang, you don't really so much notice them growing up until you take a good look, and poof, there it is. Or is that Whoop? She's all like a young lady and stuff, now, ouch. She's also a wonderful caring person, which is a feat growing up around the likes of me. Guess I will have to give Terry credit for that one. Happy Birthday to mah baby! And now, I must go and make a cake and figure out how to draw a Tardis on it.
Happy Birthday Annie. I love you and hope you like all your presents.
I hope you have a great day. I hope your mum and dad got you loads of great pressies.
OMG, Annie. You are just the most adorable thing. I want to squeeze you!
Happy birthday!!!! I hope you get lots and lots of cool stuffs! ^_^
You were an absolutely adorable baby and you are now an absolutely beautiful young lady!
Happy Birthday! Hope your day is filled with everything cool and sweet and happy and amazing and super duper!
Happy 11th Birthday Annie! I hope U enjoyed your cake & Presents & Nachos. Ur mom did a good job putting the pics of U on Here. How beautiful you are, was, and will be. Where's the cake?
This has got to be my all time favorite part of your blog so far. Annie is absolutely adorable in all the pics but the little lost girl with the big eyes is my favorite. She's beautiful now and we are sorry we didn't call her on her b'day -but you know why. Tell her to forgive us. Love you all, Mom & Dad
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