Oh hai!! Yeah, I've kind of fallen behind in my blogging, I'm sure you guys have all been emo crying about that. Okay, maybe not so much. I've just been working a lot lately, plus I have all the other family like people underfoot instead of off doing their various work/school things. They mostly just laze about in my way like a bunch of indolent sloths (or maybe lemurs) who are too lazy to even pick the nits off each other.
On Christmas Eve, we usually let the kids open a present, and this present usually involves sleepwear of some kind. Here's Annie in Christmas jammies. They should have come with a can of Static Guard though, those babies were crackling like a forest fire every time she walked across the room. Maybe we should have fired up the gas fireplace and then just had her walk back and forth to create a nice atmosphere.

The tree all bountified by Santa, after he finished watching It's a Wonderful Life for the umpty thousandth leventh time.

No, Alyson is not flipping us off, that's a giant chocolate covered pretzel rod thing from her stocking. I was kind of butthurt that Santa didn't think to give me one too.

Annie embracing her favorite gift, the hallowed Doctor Who dvds. We had to get the seasons with David Tennant in them first, or she would have thrown a fit.

Alyson with her favorite gifts, a nine dollar hat, an eight dollar sock monkey, and a cat who cost a helluva lot more than that. He had a bow on his head milliseconds before this pic, but he managed to shake it off. He looks less than thrilled, does he not?

We got about 15 or so inches of snow starting the Friday before Christmas. And now, it's all gone, because the temp shot up into the 50's yesterday. It was so foggy from all that snow melting like gangbusters that the visibility was nil. I kept expecting dead pirates to come wandering out of it, or maybe big monsters with sucker tentacles and such.

We think this popcorn kernel totally looks like a frog, and when things like that happen, the kids immediately start hollering get the camera! Put it on the blog! So here you go, a Kermit Kernel.

We got this "Magic Tree Garden" kit at the same store the weird Methuselah plant thing came from. You unfold all the little paper things, put them in the tray just so, and then pour the magic solution in the tray, and wait. And take pictures every fifteen minutes or so, but I am thoughtfully fast forwarding to the end for y'all.

Here it is, about 12 hours or so later, and I gotta say, this little baby lives up to the hype. It's actuality is even more impressive than the picture on the box, and it's cheap fun to boot. I sent out a couple to my friend's respective daughters, I hope they have as much fun with it as we did.
Catch you guys next year! I hope everyone had a nice holiday!
Thanks for sharing Carrie. I too wish I had some PJ's that made that noise.
Looks like you all had a great time.
I'm still made up with flu. It is the coughing stage now though. And young girl, you made me have another coughing fit while I laughed at your blog.
Thanks again sweetie.
Happy New Year!
Great pics!
I think I've told you at least a couple dozen times how much I love reading your blog! Now, I just feel like I've had Christmas all over again!
Happy New Year, Carrie, T-Bone, Al, and Annie!
Happy New Year! Glad everyone had a nice Christmas. The pics were great. We were watching the end of Dick Clark's rockin' New Year's Eve and saw him counting down like from 15 seconds (which he was off a second or 2) then it showed the Clintons who were suppose to push the thing to let the ball down,and we NEVER saw the ball come down. What the Freak? We were watching the whole time, but ABC kept their cameras on Dick and his off-counting and the Clintons. We called Rich's Mom and she said the same thing, so it wasn't just us! Anyways it's 2009 and your package finally came at like 5pm Tuesday. I had been watching for the Fed Ex guy and he went down the street and was really high-tailing it back up, so I ran out and flagged him down, after he'd past the house. It was David Vaughn. Remember him? Only part of it was here, the 2nd one was MIA. I packed it with the rest of the gifts and shipped them off by UPS, so hopefully you'll get your New Year's 2009 present.
Kermit Kernel!!!!
And that magic garden kit... I must know what that is now.
I wish you and yours the best of New Year's.
I shall be hanging about more soon, I promise!
I miss you loads Carrie sweetie, Happy New Year. Yay, I hope he's gone too.
Happy New Year Carrie. Tell Annie that the Doctor Who Christmas special was fab!
Now we only need to find out who will take over from DT!
I want a Magic Tree Garden and a sock monkey, too! TISNF!!! :(
Hope you guys have a fantabulous New Year and best wishes for 2009! Woooohoooo!!! ^_^
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